Presentation Archive

Dec-02-2024 – Unlocking the Secrets of Alien Atmospheres//Sarah Rugheimer (York University)

Nov-03-2024 – Fast and furious: reconnection-powered emission in black hole jets and coronae//Lorenzo Sironi (Columbia University)
Sep-05-2024 – Sleeping giants: the Galactic population of dormant black holes and neutron stars//Katelyn Breivik (Carnegie Mellon University)
Jul-03-2024 – Large Deviations and the Fate of the Universe//Tim Cohen (CERN)

Jun-05-2024 – Supersonic magnetohydrodynamic turbulence at extreme Reynolds numbers//James Beattie (University of Toronto)
May-02-2024 – Probing the host environments of compact binaries//Aditya Vijaykumar (University of Toronto)

Mar-07-2024 – TWIST and SHOUT: Gravitomagnetic Tidal Resonances in Binary Inspirals//Eric Poisson (University of Guelph)
Nov-22-2023 – Quantum Information in the Action of the Cosmic Web: Entropy in a Coherent Universe
//Richard Bond (University of Toronto)
Nov-20-2023 – Observations of the high energy particle accelerators in our Universe
//Nahee Park (Queen’s University)
Nov-13-2023 – A Gravitational-Wave Tour of the Compact Binary Population//Thomas Callister (University of Chicago)
Oct-30-2023 – Tracking the EDGE: the Environmentally Dependent Evolution of Galaxies//Arielle Phillips (Notre Dame)
Oct-25-2023 – Epicurean Philosophy//Ben Pennell (CITA)
Oct-23-2023 – Hierarchical black hole mergers//Giacomo Fragione (Northwestern University)
Oct-16-2023 – Frontiers in Black Hole Accretion//Chris White (CCA)
Oct-03-2023 – Probing the Nature of Dark Matter through Small-scale Substructure//Xiaolong Du (UCLA)
Oct-02-2023 – Bridging Physics and Observations of Black Hole-Powered Events //Ore Gottlieb (Flatiron Research/THEA)
Sep-28-2023 – The Copernican Revolution, and how it almost became unnoticed and forgotten//Leszek Roszkowski (Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center)
Sep-25-2023 – Pulsar Timing Arrays: A New Window on the Gravitational Wave Universe//Maura McLaughlin (West Virginia University)
Sep-18-2023 – The physics we glean from the small-scale Universe//Vadim Semenov (Harvard University)
Sep-14-2023 – Gas and star formation in the nearby universe with ALMaQUEST//surveySara Ellison (University of Victoria)
Sep-11-2023 – The physics we glean from the small-scale Universe//Boryana Hadzhiyska (Berkeley Lab)
Aug-22-2023 – Molecular Hydrogen in Collisions//Margot Mandy (University of Northern British Columbia)
Aug-21-2023 – Science with spectral distortions of the CMB monopole and its synergies//Jens Chluba (University of Manchester)
Jul-31-2023 – Cosmic Voids as Counterpart of Massive Clusters//Junsup Shim (Academia Sinica Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics)
Jul-27-2023 – Pulsars, spiders and plants//Rene Breton (University of Manchester)
Jul-25-2023 – Towards the SKA: Foundation Models for Radio Astronomy//Anna Scaife (University of Manchester)
Jul-19-2023 – GPT4 and more//Dylan Jow, Vasilii Pustovoit, Connor Stone and Ioana Zelko (CITA)
Jul-10-2023 – New Opportunities and New Challenges with Upcoming CMB Surveys//Joel Meyers (SMU)
Jun-29-2023 – Hunting stellar zombies in the galactic backyard //Eduardo Vitral (STScI)
Jun-22-2023 – Beyond the CMB power spectrum with the Atacama Cosmology Telescope//Adriaan Duivenvoorden (CCA Flatiron)
Jun-05-2023 – Stars as Laboratories for Fundamental Physics//Basudeb Dasgupta (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)
May-29-2023 – A Beginner’s Guide to Tilted Stars and Exoplanets with Secular Spin-orbit Resonances//Yubo Su (Princeton)
May-08-2023 – The warm-hot circumgalactic medium//Prof Smita Mathur (Ohio State University)
May-01-2023 – Advances in Modeling Gravitational-Wave Sources//Zoheyr Doctor (Northwestern)
Apr-24-2023 – The Waltz of the Milky Way and the LMC//Denis Erkal (University of Surrey)
Apr-20-2023 – Magnetism and morphology in the interstellar medium//Connor Stone (University of Montreal)
Apr-17-2023 – Magnetism and morphology in the interstellar medium//Susan Clark (Stanford University)
Apr-13-2023 – Reproducing the diversity of star cluster populations using EMP-Pathfinder//Marta Reina-Campos (McMaster University)
Apr-12-2023 – Implications of line locking for quasar-mode feedback//Norman Murray (CITA)
Apr-10-2023 – Connecting Star Formation and Stellar Feedback in Galaxies//Matthew Orr (CCA, Flatiron Institute)
Apr-06-2023 – Swing Amplification and the Gaia Phase Spirals//Larry Widrow (Queen’s University)
Apr-05-2023 – An Overview of Modern Dark Complexity//David Curtin (University of Toronto)
Apr-03-2023 – Neutrinos in Neutron Star Merger Simulations//Francois Foucart (University of New Hampshire)
Mar-29-2023 – How old are LIGOs black holes?//Maya Fishbach (CITA)
Mar-27-2023 – A Synoptic View of Fast Radio Bursts with CHIME//Kiyoshi Masui (MIT)
Mar-22-2023 – Tidal interactions in compact binaries//Phil Landry (CITA)
Mar-20-2023 – Cosmology from the Atacama Desert with High-Resolution CMB Maps//Simone Aiola (Flatiron CCA)
Mar-06-2023 – Uncovering the origins of super-Earths and giant planets//Yayaati Chachan (McGill University)
Feb-27-2023 – Dynamical Data Mining Across Galactic Scales//Kathryn Johnston (Columbia University)
Feb-22-2023 – Line-intensity power spectra: basic linear theory and distortions away from real space//Dongwoo Chung (CITA)
Feb-15-2023 – Generative NonGaussianity: Normalizing Flows and Variational Autoencoders//Jonathan Braden (CITA)
Feb-15-2023 – Extreme magnetic fields around black holes//Koushik Chatterjee (Harvard University)
Feb-13-2023 – Supermassive black hole binaries: a neat multi-messenger source//Luciano Combi (Perimeter Institute/University of Guelph)
Feb-08-2023 – Sparse spectral methods for solving differential equations//Janosz Dewberry (CITA)
Feb-02-2023 – Spatial Curvature, Dark Energy Dynamics, Neither, or Both//Bharat Ratra (Kansas State University)
Feb-01-2023 – Nuclear Symmetry Energy from Astrophysical Observations//Reed Essick (CITA)
Jan-30-2023 – Modeling the small-scale Lyman-alpha forest//Jahmour Givans (Princeton)
Jan-23-2023 – Astropy Cosmology: the Present and the Expanding Future//Nathaniel Starkman (University of Toronto)
Jan-16-2023 – What is the simplicity of the early universe trying to tell us?//Latham Boyle (Perimeter Institute)
Dec-06-2022 – Probing dark matter with resonant dynamics of the Galactic bar//Rimpei Chiba (CITA)
Nov-28-2022 – Diagnostics of the Galactic Warm Ionized Medium//Shri Kulkarni (Caltech)
Nov-21-2022 – The cloud-scale baryon cycle across the nearby galaxy population//Melanie Chevance (Heidelberg University)
Nov-14-2022 – Deciphering the Biography of Massive Stars: Compact Object Mergers as a Rosetta Stone//Michael Zevin (University of Chicago)
Nov-03-2022 – Connecting protoplanetary disk morphologies with exoplanet architectures//Cristobal Petrovich (Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile)
Oct-31-2022 – A Galaxy in motion: Ripples, ridges and spirals in the Milky Way//Jason Hunt (CCA)
Oct-25-2022 – Statistical anisotropy or non-Gaussianity//Glenn Starkman (Case Western Reserve University)
Oct-17-2022 – Probing Cosmic Reionization with Quasar Proximity Zones//Huanqing Chen (CITA)
Oct-03-2022 – Testing the standard cosmological model with the Dark Energy Survey//Jessie Muir (Perimeter Institute)
Sep-26-2022 – The intergalactic medium at reionization epoch and the circumgalactic medium//Xiaohan Wu (CITA)
Sep-12-2022 – Pluto near the edge of chaos//Renu Malhotra (U. of Arizona)
Aug-18-2022 – 6D Stellar Streams in the Milky Way and Cosmological Simulations//Nora Shipp (MIT)
Aug-16-2022 – Cosmological and Astrophysical Impacts of Hadronic Dark Matter//Glennys Farrar (New York University)
Aug-15-2022 – The Variety of Tidal Disruption Events//Tsvi Piran (Racah Institute for Physics)
Jul-11-2022 – Probing the universe with Fast Radio Bursts//Ue-Li Pen (CITA)
Jul-07-2022 – Learning from the CMB with new data and differentiable theory//Zack Li (CITA)
Jul-04-2022 – Measuring Magnetic Fields in Stellar Interiors //Daniel Lecoanet (Northwestern University)
Jun-20-2022 – A multi-probe view of Cosmic Dawn and Reionization//Adrian Liu (McGill University)
Jun-09-2022 – From Minimoons to Planet 9//Mario Juric (University of Washington)
Jun-06-2022 – Astrophysics of white dwarfs in the era of modern surveys//Nadia Zakamska (Johns Hopkins University)
Jun-02-2022 – Microphysical Insights into Protoplanetary Disks and Exoplanet Atmospheres//Diana Powell (CfA)
May-30-2022 – Multi-messenger cosmology: What can we learn from it?//Suvodip Mukherjee (Perimeter Institute)
May-26-2022 – The Next Frontier of Extragalactic Archaeology//Alexa Villaume (Waterloo CA)
May-16-2022 – Testing Galaxy Formation Models with Large-scale Surveys of the Milky Way Stellar Halo//Speaker Emily Cunningham (CCA)
May-13-2022 – LYRA: Dwarf galaxies on small scales in a cosmological context//Thales Gutcke (Princeton University)
May-05-2022 – How stellar feedback regulates galactic star formation rates?//Chang-Goo Kim (Princeton)
Mar-24-2022 – Homing in on Cosmic Dawn: When Did the First Galaxies Emerge from Darkness?//Richard Ellis (UCL)
Feb-07-2022 – Standard siren cosmology with compact binary coalescences//Jose Maria Ezquiaga (University of Chicago)
Feb-03-2022 – Getting science done in the Julia language//Zack LI (CITA)
Jan-31-2022 – The SMILE mission: Global imaging of solar-terrestrial interactions //Graziella Branduardi-Raymont (MSSL-UCL)
Jan-20-2022 – Probing the Solar Cycle with BiSON: The Solar-Stellar Connection//Bill Chaplin (University of Birmingham)
Jan-20-2022 – Probing the Solar Cycle with BiSON: The Solar-Stellar Connection//Bill Chaplin (University of Birmingham)
Jan-13-2022 – The Gaia Revolution//George Seabroke (Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London (MSSL-UCL))
Dec-20-2021 – Mars’ Magnetic Field: Progress and Puzzles//Catherine Johnson (UBC)
Dec-16-2021 – Transport of radiation in neutron stars with different magnetic fields//Denis Gonzales (UBC)
Dec-06-2021 – Observational Planet Formation//Ruobing Dong (University of Victoria)
Dec-02-2021 – The Astrophysical Context of Gravitational Wave Events//Mohammad Safarzadeh (CfA, Harvard)
Nov-29-2021 – Tracing the structure of DM haloes using GC populations//Marta Reina-Campos (McMaster University)
Nov-25-2021 – Tidal Disruption Events As Transient Probes of Black Hole Accretion and Demographics//Jane Lixin Dai (University of Hong Kong)
Nov-22-2021 – Not so simple after all: White dwarf evolution in the era of Gaia//Simon Blouin (University of Victoria)
Nov-22-2021 – Not so simple after all: White dwarf evolution in the era of Gaia//Simon Blouin (University of Victoria)
Nov-18-2021 – Black holes in star clusters//Mark Gieles (University of Barcelona)
Nov-15-2021 – ULTRASAT: Revolutionizing our view of the transient Universe//Eli Waxman (Weizmann)
Nov-09-2021 – A mapping approach to the dynamics of closely-spaced planets//Sam Hadden (CITA)
Nov-08-2021 – Probing neutron star matter with gravitational waves//Phil Landry (CITA)
Nov-01-2021 – Neutron star mergers: Fast ejecta, magnetic fields and dense matter//Elias Most (Princeton/IAS)
Oct-28-2021 – The transformation of the Milky Way//Vasily Belokurov (IOA, Cambridge)
Oct-18-2021 – The spatial distribution of dust-obscured star-formation in TNG50 main-sequence galaxies//Gergo Popping (ESO (EU ALMA Regional Center)) (CITA)
Oct-14-2021 – Massive black holes, galaxies and structure formation – connecting physics and astronomy//Rainer Weinberger (CITA)
Oct-12-2021 – Gravitational-wave propagation in arbitrary backgrounds //Omar Contigiani (CITA)
Sep-27-2021 – A New Look at Nonlinear Evolution of Alfven Waves in Neutron Star Magnetospheres//Yajie Yuan (CCA, Flatiron Institute)
Sep-23-2021 – The Large Influence of Small Tilts on Protoplanetary Disks in Binary Star Systems//J. J. Zanazzi (CITA)
Sep-20-2021 – Constraints on galaxy formation from the CIB-optical cross-correlation//Seunghwan Lim (CITA)
Aug-30-2021 – Rethinking the Nature of Interstellar Dust//Brandon Hensley (Princeton)
Jul-26-2021 – Coherent FRB Cosmology//Ue-Li Pen (CITA)
Jul-22-2021 – Coherent FRB Cosmology//Ue-Li Pen (CITA)
Jul-15-2021 – Core-collapse Supernova Theory: From Neutrino-driven Explosions to Observations//Hans-Thomas Janka (MPA)
Jul-08-2021 – Gaia & the fingerprints of the Galactic bar – A dynamical Milky Way mystery//Wilma Trick (MPA)
Jun-23-2021 – Characterising the signatures of star-forming galaxies//Ellis Owen (NTHU)
Jun-14-2021 – A Genetic approach to constraining the assembly of the Milky Way//Ted Mackereth (CITA)
Jun-14-2021 – Asteroseismology of magnetised, rotating red giant stars//Shyeh Tjing Loi (University of Cambridge)
Apr-19-2021 – Probing the star-forming conditions of high-redshift galaxies with dust emission//Lichen Liang (CITA)
Mar-22-2021 – Cosmic alchemy in the era of gravitational wave astronomy//Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz (UCSC)
Mar-18-2021 – Line Intensity Mapping: Modeling and Analysis in the Precision Era//Anthony Pullen (NYU)
Mar-08-2021 – Tidal Sculpting of Short-Period Exoplanets//Sarah C. Millholland (Princeton University)
Feb-26-2021 – Coherent emission in pulsars, magnetars and Fast Radio Bursts//Maxim Lyutikov (Purdue University)
Feb-25-2021 – Fast Radio Burst Radiation Mechanism and Cosmology //Pawan Kumar (UT Austin)
Feb-04-2021 – Separating fast and slow scales in perturbative dynamical systems//Tomas Galvez (CITA)
Jan-25-2021 – Structures of AGN Accretion Disks based on Global Radiation MHD Simulations//Yan-Fei Jiang (CCA)
Jan-04-2021 – Fitting Gaussian data where the covariance matrix is approximate//Will Percival (U. Waterloo)
Nov-24-2020 – Numerical renormalization group-based approach to secular perturbation theory//Tomas Galvez (CITA)
Nov-24-2020 – Wave-driven shock dynamics for super-Eddington stellar outbursts//Chris Matzner (University of Toronto)
Nov-19-2020 – Reverberation mapping black hole accretion flows//Erin Kara (MIT Kavli Institute)
Nov-16-2020 – Simulating Galaxy Formation//Mark Vogelsberger (MIT)
Nov-09-2020 – Line-intensity mapping with the CO Mapping Array Pathfinder//Dongwoo Chung (CITA)
Nov-02-2020 – High-frequency variability in black hole accretion flows//Janosz Dewberry (CITA)
Oct-29-2020 – The Gravitational and Electromagnetic Signatures of Black Hole Mergers//Zoltan Haiman (Columbia University)
Oct-26-2020 – Ring-Shepherding by Planets//Jeffrey Fung (IAS)
Oct-02-2020 – Multiwavelength Signals From Engine-Driven Supernovae//Conor Omand (University of Tokyo)
Jun-08-2020 – The dynamics and electromagnetic emission//J. J. Zanazzi (CITA)
May-28-2020 – The endgame of planet formation//Eugene Chiang (Berkeley)
Feb-24-2020 – The Central Density of Dark Matter Halos//James Taylor (University of Waterloo)
Feb-13-2020 – How Do Massive Stars Die?//Jeremiah Murphy (Florida State University)
Feb-10-2020 – Not quite black holes at LIGO//Bob Holdom (University of Toronto)
Feb-06-2020 – Constraints from multi-messenger signals of the next nearby core-collapse supernova//MacKenzie Warren (North Carolina State University)
Jan-30-2020 – Space Observatories of the Highest Energy Particles: POEMMA and EUSO-SPB//Angela Olinto (University of Chicago)
Jan-20-2020 – Radio follow-up of gravitational wave events//Tara Murphy (University of Sydney)
Dec-19-2019 – Into the starlight: Learning the Milky Way//Yuan-Sen Ting (IAS)
Dec-16-2019 – The Mystery of Methane on Mars: Fact, Folly or Figment?//John Moores (York University)
Dec-09-2019 – Independent Search For Gravitational Waves From Compact Binary Mergers//Liang Dai (IAS)
Dec-05-2019 – Signatures of the Early Universe in the BAO Spectrum//Benjamin Wallisch (IAS)
Dec-02-2019 – Constraining the reionization history with quasar absorption lines//Laura Keating (CITA)
Nov-25-2019 – Analysis of Strong Gravitational Lensing Data with Machine Learning//Laurence Levasseur (University of Montreal)
Nov-21-2019 – The H0 puzzle: early vs. late time resolutions//Bhuvnesh Jain (University of Pennsylvania)
Nov-14-2019 – The RomulusC Simulation:Exploring Galaxy Evolution in Clusters at Unprecedented Resolution//Michael Tremmel (Yale)
Nov-11-2019 – Light from a Dying Star: Optical Transient from an Explosion Close to the Stellar Surface//Almog Yalinewich (CITA)
Nov-07-2019 – Mapping the Gravitational Wave Background//Arianna Renzini (Imperial College London)
Nov-04-2019 – Modelling Polarized Foregrounds//Andrei Frolov (Simon Fraser University)
Oct-31-2019 – Using Disk Substructures to Reveal Young Planet Population//Zhaohuan Zhu (University of Nevada, Las Vegas )
Oct-24-2019 – Galaxy mergers in the nearby Universe//Sara Ellison (University of Victoria)
Oct-21-2019 – Surprising Impacts of Gravity Waves//James Fuller (Caltech)
Oct-17-2019 – The Magnetic Interstellar Medium in Three Dimensions//Susan Clark (IAS)
Oct-07-2019 – Welcome to the Milky Way! Gaia, the Galaxy and me//Kathryn Johnston (Columbia)
Oct-07-2019 – The Demographics of Exoplanets with WFIRST//Scott Gaudi (The Ohio State University)
Sep-30-2019 – The New Era of Stellar Physics//Matteo Cantiello (CCA)
Sep-26-2019 – Machine Learn the Universe: Deep learning as the new simulator?//Shirley Ho (Center for Computational Astrophysics)
Sep-23-2019 – The Large Misalignment Mechanism for Compact Halo Formation//Asimina Arvanitaki (Perimeter Institute)
Sep-16-2019 – Galaxy kinematics in the cosmic web: insights from integral field spectroscopy//Charlotte Welker (McMaster)
Sep-12-2019 – Nonsingular transitions from evaporating black holes to white holes//James Bardeen (University of Washington, Seattle)
Sep-09-2019 – Black holes from cosmic inflation//Alexander Vilenkin (Tufts)
Aug-29-2019 – An Update on the NANOGrav search for Gravitational Waves from SMBHBs//Dan Stinebring (Oberlin College)
Jul-30-2019 – Faltering Steps into the Galaxy: Journeying into the Interstellar Medium//Gary Zank (UAH)
Jul-18-2019 – Rethinking the Origin of Neutrino Masses: the Role of Gravity //Lena Funcke (Perimeter Institute)
Jul-04-2019 – Dynamical horizons and the Hawking effect//Marc Schneider (Penn State University)
Jun-24-2019 – Dark Matter Beyond//Prateek Agrawal (Harvard University)
Jun-20-2019 – What can galaxies tell us about reionization?//Charlotte Mason (CfA Harvard)
May-30-2019 – Nonlinear gravity in the late Universe//James Mertens (York University)
May-27-2019 – The Microphysics of Cosmic-ray Feedback//Xuening Bai (Tsinghua University)
May-23-2019 – Studying Dark Matter Substructure with Globular Clusters//Jeremy Webb (University of Toronto)
May-22-2019 – Gravitational Wave Signatures of Dynamically Formed Black Hole Binaries//Zhong-Zhi Xianyu (Harvard)
May-16-2019 – CPT-Symmetric Universe//Latham Boyle (Perimeter)
May-13-2019 – Dynamical processes in the Galactic centre//Re\’em Sari (Hebrew University)
May-09-2019 – EXCLAIM: a new balloon mission to map the cosmological history of galaxies//Eric Switzer (NASA Goddard)
May-02-2019 – Probing the high-redshift Universe//Martin White (UC Berkeley)
Apr-25-2019 – Irradiation-Reduced Mass Accretion by Neutron Stars in X-Ray Binaries//Lorne Nelson (Bishop’s University)
Apr-22-2019 – Asteroseismology in the Gaia Era//Marc Pinsonneault (Ohio State University)
Apr-18-2019 – Cosmology and Astrophysics of the Twin Higgs//David Curtin (UofT)
Apr-11-2019 – General equation of state Riemann solvers and their application//Zhuo Chen (University of Alberta)
Apr-08-2019 – Disks, jets, and other black hole-powered transients//Alexander Tchekhovskoy (Northwestern)
Apr-04-2019 – Starbursts, outflows, and the emergence of disk galaxies//Chris Hayward (CCA)
Apr-01-2019 – Diagnostic possibilities of reflected starlight from exoplanets//Antonio Garcia Munoz (TU Berlin)
Mar-28-2019 – From Cosmic Dust to Planetesimals: Models vs. Observations//Paola Pinilla (University of Arizona)
Mar-25-2019 – Machine Learning Possibilities in 21cm Cosmology//Adrian Liu (McGill)
Mar-21-2019 – Rapidly Spinning Neutron Stars and the Equation of State of Dense Matter//Sharon Morsink (University of Alberta)
Mar-11-2019 – Astromaterials in Neutron Star Crusts//Matthew Caplan (McGill)
Mar-07-2019 – New directions in galaxy formation and cosmology following the EDGES 78 MHz detection//Jordan Mirocha (McGill)
Feb-28-2019 – Numerical Simulations of Black Hole Accretion//Ramesh Narayan (Harvard)
Feb-14-2019 – The Degree of Fine-Tuning in our Universe – and Possibly Others//Fred Adams (University of Michigan)
Feb-11-2019 – The Star Formation Law in Nearby Galaxies//Erik Rosolowsky (University of Alberta)
Feb-04-2019 – Topology and Large Scale Magnetic Fields//Ethan Vishniac (Johns Hopkins University)
Jan-31-2019 – Exomoons and other strange transit signals//David Kipping (Columbia University)
Jan-28-2019 – Why Ultima Thule Was Not a (Total) Surprise: The Formation of (Binary!) Planetesimals //Andrew Youdin (University of Arizona)
Jan-21-2019 – String Theory, Swampland Conjectures and Implications for Inflation and Dark Energy//Robert Brandenberger (McGill)
Jan-13-2019 – Radio Polarimetry and Cosmic Magnetism//Bryan Gaensler (Dunlap Institute / DAA)
Jan-10-2019 – News from the FRB Universe//Ue-Li Pen (CITA)
Dec-17-2018 – A Dynamical Picture of Failed Supernovae//Eric R. Coughlin (UC Berkeley)
Dec-10-2018 – Cosmic Reionization from the Lyman-alpha Forest, 21 cm, and Line-Intensity Mapping//Adam Lidz (U Penn)
Dec-04-2018 – CMB lensing reconstruction with AdvACT and beyond//Blake Sherwin (Cambridge)
Dec-03-2018 – So Long and Thanks for All the Planets//Natalie Batalha (NASA)
Nov-30-2018 – FRB Day: Introduction//Brian Gaensler (Dunlap Institute)
Nov-30-2018 – FRB Day: Constraining Cosmology with FRBs//Matt McQuinn (University of Washington)
Nov-30-2018 – FRB Day: FRB progenitor models, a current state of affairs//Ben Margalit (Berkeley)
Nov-30-2018 – FRB Day: Localizing FRBs and Chasing Their Hosts//Sarah Burke Spolaor (West Virginia University)
Nov-30-2018 – FRB Day: Fast Radio Bursts: What do we know?//Paul Scholz (McGill University)
Nov-30-2018 – FRB Day: Panel Discussion//.
Nov-26-2018 – Stellar Rejuvenation in Galactic Center and AGNs//Douglas N. C. Lin (University of California, Santa Cruz)
Nov-15-2018 – Searching for cosmic dawn from the sub-Antarctic with PRIZM//Hsin Cynthia Chang (McGill University)
Nov-12-2018 – Fun with black holes//Yuri Levin (Columbia University)
Oct-08-2018 – The importance of baryons in constraining dark matter models//Tom Quinn (University of Washington)
Sep-24-2018 – Probing Dark Energy with Galaxy Clusters//Hao-Yi (Heidi) Wu (Ohio State University)
Sep-20-2018 – Accurate and precise N-body simulations//Tjarda Boekholt (University of Aveiro)
Sep-10-2018 – (Astro)physical consequences of black hole recoils//Davide Gerosa (Caltech)
Sep-05-2018 – The troubled youth of the Solar System//Simon Portegies Zwart (Sterrewacht Leiden)
Aug-29-2018 – Observation of the 21-cm signal from the Epoch of Reionization//Leon Koopmans (Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, Groningen, Netherlands)
Aug-27-2018 – Effect of Rotation on Fingering Convection in astrophysical environments//Sutirtha Sengupta (UC Santa Cruz)
Aug-23-2018 – The Peak of the Stellar Initial Mass Function//Shantanu Basu (University of Western Ontario)
Aug-02-2018 – On the vertical structure of ADAFs//Shahram Abbassi (IPM, Tehran)
Jul-26-2018 – The Gravitational Wave Sky//Carlo Contaldi (Imperial College)
Jul-23-2018 – Fifth Force Searches in Galaxies//Harry Desmond (Oxford)
Jul-16-2018 – Studying Galaxy Populations in High-Redshift Clusters in the Euclid, JWST and TMT Era//Adam Muzzin (York University)
Jul-09-2018 – Dynamics of Circumstellar Planets in Binary Systems//Man Hoi Lee (University of Hong Kong)
Jul-05-2018 – Liberating Energy from Black Holes: Jets, Bombs, and Gravitational Waves//Will East (Perimeter Institute)
Jun-25-2018 – Seeing cosmic nanostructure: from Plasma to Dark Matter//Niayesh Afshordi (PI / University of Waterloo)
Jun-04-2018 – Exoplanet Systems as Laboratories for Planet Formation//Lauren Weiss (Universite de Montreal)
May-31-2018 – Cosmological Constraints from Clusters Discovered by the South Pole Telescope//Lindsey Bleem (Argonne National Lab)
May-17-2018 – Moving Mesh Astrophysics//Paul Duffell (UC Berkeley)
May-14-2018 – Population-Level Analysis of Giant Planet Composition and Evolution//Jonathan Fortney (UC Santa Cruz)
May-10-2018 – Mass ejection, compact objects, and electromagnetic transients//Rodrigo Fernandez (University of Alberta)
May-07-2018 – Fluid Dynamics of Interstellar Turbulence//Alexei Kritsuk (UC San Diego)
Apr-26-2018 – Prospects for CMB lensing-galaxy clustering//Marcel Schmittfull (IAS)
Apr-23-2018 – Black Hole Cinema//Avery Broderick (Perimeter Institute/U. of Waterloo)
Apr-19-2018 – Lessons learned in the gravitational-wave searches for compact binary coalescences//Sarah Caudill (Nikhef)
Apr-19-2018 – The Nature of Dense Matter from Multi-Messenger Observations of Neutron Stars//Andrew Steiner ( University of Tennessee)
Apr-18-2018 – Cosmology with cosmic neutral hydrogen//Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro (CCA)
Mar-26-2018 – Searching for fast radio bursts and pulsars with CHIME//Kendrick Smith (Perimeter)
Mar-12-2018 – The Multi-Messenger Picture of a Neutron Star Merger//Brian Metzger (Columbia)
Mar-01-2018 – Asteroids that share a planet”s orbit: the first retrograde co-orbital asteroid//Paul Wiegert (University of Western Ontario)
Feb-08-2018 – Craters, Planets and Redshifts: Three applications of Machine Learning in Astrophysics//Kristen Menou (University of Toronto)
Jan-18-2018 – Multimessenger astrophysics with numerical relativity//David Radice (Princeton)
Jan-04-2018 – Cosmicflows//Brent Tully (Institute for Astronomy, Hawaii)
Dec-18-2017 – Simulating the formation of massive star clusters//Mike Grudic (Caltech)
Dec-11-2017 – The Milky Way’s Galactic bar can punch holes in stellar streams//Sarah Pearson (Columbia University)
Dec-07-2017 – Supernova Archaeology: Uncovering the progenitors of Type Ia supernovae//Tyrone Woods (Monash University, Australia)
Nov-23-2017 – SPEKTR-RENTGEN-GAMMA All Sky X-Ray Survey: Synergy and Competition//Rashid Sunyaev (Max Planck Institut fuer Astrophysik)
Nov-20-2017 – Enabling multi-messenger astrophysics with LIGO//Chad Hanna (Penn State)
Nov-17-2017 – Sackler Lecture: Einstein’s Waves: New Cosmic Sounds//Vicky Kalogera (Northwestern University)
Nov-16-2017 – Gravitational-Wave Discoveries Driving the Promise of Multi-Messenger Astronomy//Vicky Kalogera (Northwestern University)
Nov-09-2017 – The Multiscale Cosmic Web: Morphology, Topology and Reconstruction by Nexus to Hopf//Rien van de Weygaert (Kapteyn Institute, Groningen)
Nov-06-2017 – Particle acceleration in astrophysical shocks: lessons from kinetic simulations//Anatoly Spitkovsky (Princeton University)
Nov-03-2017 – Probing Extreme Gravity with Gravitational Waves//Kent Yagi (Virginia)
Nov-02-2017 – Super Eddington Black Hole Accretion Flows//Jim Stone (Princeton)
Oct-17-2017 – GW170817: Observation of gravitational waves from a binary neutron star inspiral//CITA LIGO Group
Oct-16-2017 – EM counterparts to NS mergers and spin of BBH mergers //Kenta Hotokezaka (CCA)
Oct-12-2017 – Galaxy Evolution with HI Intensity Mapping//Laura Wolz (University of Melbourne)
Oct-05-2017 – WFIRST: A Powerful Tool for a Diverse Astrophysics Program//David Spergel (Princeton)
Oct-02-2017 – Reheating the universe with many scalar fields//Selim Hotinli (Imperial College)
Sep-25-2017 – Forming planetesimals from gravitational collapse//Phil Armitage (U. of Colorado)
Sep-14-2017 – What is Chaos and What Does it Have to do With Black Hole Mergers?//Nathan Leigh (American Museum of Natural History)
Sep-11-2017 – Uber-Gravity and H0 tension//Nima Khosravi (School of Astronomy Institute)
Sep-07-2017 – Neutrino energy transport and quantum kinetics in the early universe//Evan Grohs (University of Michigan)
Jul-29-2017 – Variable Protostars and the Orion-Eridanus Superbubble//Andy Pon (University of Western Ontario)
Jul-13-2017 – Caustic Crossing Events within Galaxy Clusters//Tejaswi Venumadhav (Caltech)
Jul-06-2017 – From the Supernova to the Supernova Remnant//Gilles Ferrand (Riken, Japan)
Jul-05-2017 – Galaxy Mergers Moulding The CGM//Maan Hani (University of Victoria)
Jun-22-2017 – Characterizing Keplers Multi-planet Systems//Sam Hadden (Northwestern)
Jun-19-2017 – Mapping dark matter on the largest and smallest scales//Gilbert Holder (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Jun-05-2017 – The self induced secular evolution of gravitating systems//Christophe Pichon (Institut d”Astrophysique de Paris (IAP))
May-11-2017 – Constraining the Timing of the Outer Solar System”s Dynamical Instability//Nathan Kaib (University of Oklahoma)
May-08-2017 – Towards a Unified Model for Star Formation: Forging Order from Randomness//Stella Offner (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Apr-27-2017 – Characterizing Planetary Populations with Kepler and Future Exoplanet Surveys//Eric Ford (Penn State)
Apr-20-2017 – New Ways of Magnetic Field Study//Alex Lazarian (UW Madison)
Apr-11-2017 – What we learnt about Crab: the wind, the shock, flares and reconnection//Maxim Lyutikov (Purdue University)
Mar-23-2017 – Is the spherical-collapse model of halo formation useful?//Alexander Mead (UBC)
Mar-09-2017 – Next Generation Cosmological Constraints on Dark Energy and Gravity//Rachel Bean (Cornell)
Mar-07-2017 – Primordial gravity wave helicity from tidal imprints in large-scale structure//Kiyoshi Masui (University of British Columbia)
Feb-27-2017 – The life-cycle of gas in the multi-phase interstellar medium//Stefani Walch (Universitat zu Koln)
Feb-23-2017 – An intimate view of the internal kinematics of globular clusters//Paolo Bianchini (McMaster University)
Feb-16-2017 – Very low frequency gravitational waves from binary supermassive black holes//Elinore Roebber (McGill University)
Feb-13-2017 – Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Elements for the Einstein Equations//Erik Schnetter (Perimeter Institute)
Feb-09-2017 – Highly compact neutron stars as a probe of the theory of gravity//Raissa Mendes (University of Guelph)
Jan-30-2017 – New Diagnostics of Exoplanet Atmospheres: Raman scattering//Antonija Oklopcic (Caltech)
Jan-23-2017 – (New?) opportunities & challenges in gravitational wave astronomy//Luis Lehner (Perimeter Institute / Univ. of Guelph / Univ. of Waterloo)
Jan-12-2017 – Shock waves in gamma-ray bursts//Andrei Beloborodov (Columbia University)
Dec-15-2016 – APOSTLE blessings: solutions to the CDM small scale crisis//Julio Navarro (University of Victoria)
Dec-12-2016 – Signals from the Cosmic Dawn//Anastasia Fialkov (Havard ITC)
Dec-08-2016 – Electromagnetic and Gravitational Wave Signals from Merging Black Holes and Neutron Stars//Francois Foucart (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
Nov-28-2016 – The story of a simpler universe//Enrico Pajer (Utrecht)
Nov-21-2016 – The Destructive Birth of Massive Stars and Massive Star Clusters//Anna Rosen (UCSC)
Nov-17-2016 – Long-period transiting exoplanets and their population//Dan Foreman-Mackey (University of Washington)
Nov-14-2016 – Galaxy halo masses, assembly bias, and implications for galaxy evolution//Rachel Mandelbaum (Carnegie Mellon)
Nov-10-2016 – Surrogate models of gravitational waveforms//Jonathan Blackman (Caltech)
Nov-03-2016 – The Late-Time Formation and Dynamical Signatures of Small Planets//Eve Lee (Berkeley)
Oct-27-2016 – Understanding primordial physics in a finite universe//Sarah Shandera (Penn State)
Oct-24-2016 – Particle colliders in the sky//Annika Peter (UC Irvine/Ohio State)
Oct-17-2016 – Probing Inflation with Space-Based Interferometry//Arthur Kosowsky (Pittsburgh)
Oct-13-2016 – Mysterious Neutrinos: Cosmology, Dark Matter, and Stellar Collapse//George Fuller (University of California San Diego)
Oct-04-2016 – The Care and Feeding of Star Forming Regions//Erik Rosolowsky (University of Alberta)
Sep-29-2016 – Dissipation during inflation//Marco Peloso (University of Minnesota Minneapolis )
Sep-26-2016 – Dense Star Clusters as LIGO Source Factories//Fred Rasio (Northwestern University)
Sep-23-2016 – Dust polarization and interstellar turbulence//Marc Kamionkowski (Johns Hopkins)
Sep-19-2016 – Simulating Galactic Winds on Supercomputers Using Cholla//Evan Schneider (University of Arizona)
Sep-12-2016 – Cosmic Reionization (10 more years and we are done?)//Nick Gnedin (Fermilab)
Aug-25-2016 – Primordial Black Holes as Dark Matter//Bernard Carr (Queen Mary)
Aug-24-2016 – Unique Approaches to Magnetic Phenomena//Susan Clark (Columbia University)
Aug-22-2016 – Constraining halo energetics using Sunyaev-Zel’dovich measurements//Nick Battaglia (Princeton)
Jul-25-2016 – Constraining statistical anisotropy and parity violation//Dagoberto Contreras (UBC)
Jul-18-2016 – The density-velocity structure of Milky Way dark matter//Subha Majumdar (TIFR)
Jul-04-2016 – Formation of satellites from rings : the beautiful case of Saturn, and beyond//Aurelien Crida (Universite Nice Sophia Antipolis)
Jun-27-2016 – Dissecting disks and bulges with SAMI and Romulus//Dan Taranu (University of Western Australia)
Jun-09-2016 – Dynamics of Hierarchical Three-body Systems//Gongjie Li (Harvard)
May-26-2016 – The Dawn of Gravitational-Wave Astronomy//Vicky Kalogera (Northwestern University)
May-19-2016 – The CARMA Project — Towards Convergence of Galaxy Formation Models//Fabrice Durier (Steward Observatory)
May-16-2016 – Aligned Axion Inflation in String Theory//Liam McAllister (Cornell)
May-12-2016 – Astrophysical Turbulence from a Different Perspective//Jungyeon Cho (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
May-05-2016 – Two-point correlators revisited//Andrei Frolov (SFU)
May-05-2016 – No Need for Planet 9//Anne-Marie Madigan (UC Berkley)
May-03-2016 – Chemistry in Space: Herschel Results of a Spectral Survey in Orion//René Plume (University of Calgary)
May-02-2016 – From Condensed Matter to Cosmology: Axions and Inflatons in the Early Universe//Chanda Prescod-Weinstein (University of Seattle)
Apr-25-2016 – The Chelyabinsk airburst – the perspective from three years post-impact//Peter Brown (University of Western Ontario)
Apr-21-2016 – Acceleration of AGN-driven Galactic Winds & Density Structure of the CGM, New Constraints//Jonathan Stern (Max Planck Institute for Astronomy)
Apr-18-2016 – Stellar interior convection: From 1D to 3D and back again//Robert Andrassy (University of Victoria)
Apr-04-2016 – Misaligned Planets, Disks and Rings//Dong Lai (Cornell University)
Mar-31-2016 – Tidal Evolution of the Moon from a High-Obliquity High-Angular-Momentum Earth//Matija Cuk (SETI)
Mar-29-2016 – Initial Results From Advanced LIGO’s First Science Run//Kipp Cannon (University of Tokyo)
Mar-24-2016 – The Diversity and Demographics of Distant Rocky Worlds//Leslie Rogers (University of Chicago)
Mar-22-2016 – Stars Re-Shaping Galaxies//Phil Hopkins (Caltech)
Mar-17-2016 – Cosmic rays and MHD turbulence generation in interstellar molecular clouds//Reinhard Schlickeiser (University of Bochum)
Feb-29-2016 – Status of PTOLEMY for Relic Neutrino Detection and Neutrino Mass Measure//Christopher Tully (Princeton)
Feb-25-2016 – Observing the Polarized CMB with SPIDER//Alexandra Rahlin (University of Chicago)
Feb-18-2016 – The final ringdown of black holes and the first detection of gravitational waves//Aaron Zimmerman (CITA)
Feb-16-2016 – Thought experiments on relativistic forces//Donald Lynden-Bell (U. of Cambridge)
Feb-11-2016 – Update on LIGO”s Search for Gravitational Waves//Harald Pfeiffer (CITA)
Feb-08-2016 – Time asymmetric extensions of general relativity//Lee Smolin (Perimeter Institute)
Feb-04-2016 – Exploring Molecular Complexity in the Age of ALMA//Li-Hong Xu (University of New Brunswick)
Jan-28-2016 – Origins of Structure in Planetary Systems//Ruth Murray-Clay (UCSB)
Jan-25-2016 – Non-linear cosmological structure formation//Alexander Mead (UBC)
Jan-22-2016 – Baryon-Dark Matter Relative Velocity and a New Approach to 3-Point Correlation Function//Zack Slepian (Harvard)
Jan-21-2016 – Observations of Turbulence Dissipating in Giant Molecular Clouds//Andy Pon (University of Western Ontario)
Jan-18-2016 – Magnetic toys in the sky//Yuri Levin (Monash University)
Jan-11-2016 – Calibration of the Advanced LIGO Interferometers//Madeline Wade (Kenyon College)
Dec-07-2015 – The Continuing Mystery of the Anomalous Microwave Emission//Bruce T. Draine (Princeton University)
Dec-03-2015 – The Migrating Embryo Model of Protostellar Disk Evolution//Shantanu Basu (University of Western Ontario)
Nov-26-2015 – Cosmological constraints from weak lensing: present measurements and future challenges//Fabian Koehlinger (Leiden Univerisy)
Nov-23-2015 – Using Saturn’s rings to probe the planet’s internal structure//Matthew Hedman (University of Idaho)
Nov-19-2015 – Astrophysics and Cosmology with the Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array//Adrian Liu (Berkeley BCCP)
Nov-16-2015 – On Planck, Tensions, and B-modes//Raphael Flauger (CMU)
Nov-12-2015 – Accretion Disks, Elevated//Mitch Begelman (JILA)
Nov-05-2015 – Illuminating Neutrino Mass, Inflation, Dark Energy, and Dark Matter with the CMB//Neelima Sehgal (Stonybrook)
Nov-04-2015 – The Fourth Paradigm: How Big Data is Changing Science//Alex Szalay (Johns Hopkins)
Nov-03-2015 – Redshift-Space Distortions in the Galaxy Distribution//Alex Szalay (Johns Hopkins)
Oct-29-2015 – Circumbinary planet and gas dynamics//Diego Munoz (Cornell)
Oct-26-2015 – Cosmological results from Planck 2015//Silvia Galli (KICP chicago)
Oct-19-2015 – The Effective Field Theory of Large-Scale Structures//Simon Foreman (Stanford)
Oct-08-2015 – Gamma Rays from the Inner Milky Way: Dark Matter or Point Sources?//Tracy Slatyer (MIT)
Oct-01-2015 – New perspectives on the dynamics of precessing binary black holes//Richard O’Shaughnessy (Rochester Institute of Technology)
Sep-28-2015 – Perturbative approaches to Large Scale Structure//Uros Seljak (UC Berkeley/LBL)
Sep-23-2015 – Oscillations in the CMB bispectrum – theory and data analysis//Moritz Muenchmeyer (Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris)
Sep-21-2015 – Dark Energy: constant or time variable? (… and other open questions)//Bharat Ratra (Kansas State University)
Sep-17-2015 – The Future is Stochastic//Cliff Burgess (McMaster)
Sep-14-2015 – Seeking the signatures of cosmology in galaxy properties//Martin Stringer (Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias)
Sep-10-2015 – Towards an age for every star: calibrating the age-rotation relations//Ruth Angus (University of Oxford)
Aug-21-2015 – Testing Cosmological Models with X-ray Galaxy Clusters//Hans Boehringer (Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics)
Aug-20-2015 – All-sky reconstruction of the primordial scalar potential and implications//Sebastian Dorn (Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics)
Aug-17-2015 – The impact of the co-orbital flow on protoplanetary migration//Frederic Masset (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM)
Aug-14-2015 – The Impact of Nonlinear Structure Formation on the Power Spectrum//Hyunbae Park (University of Texax at Austin)
Aug-14-2015 – Kinematic Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect and the missing baryons problem//Emmanuel Schaan (Princeton)
Aug-13-2015 – 21cm fluctuations in the dark ages and cosmic heat flows//Yacine Ali-Haimoud (IAS)
Aug-06-2015 – How to Learn to Love the BOSS//Shirley Ho (CMU)
Jul-20-2015 – Inflation and Dust with Planck//Andrei Frolov (Simon Fraser University)
Jul-13-2015 – Merging Black Holes in Astrophysics//Manuela Campanelli (Rochester Institute of Technology)
Jul-02-2015 – Planet migration by multi-planet gravitational interactions//Cristobal Petrovich (Princeton)
Jun-25-2015 – Connecting CO Intensity Mapping to Molecular Gas and Star Formation//Tony Li (Stanford)
Jun-18-2015 – Dimensional reduction in the sky?//Joao Magueijo (Imperial College London)
Jun-01-2015 – My Unhealthy Obsession with Cylinders//Ira Wasserman (Cornell)
May-14-2015 – Neutrino oscillations, the rare earth peak, and the site of the r-process//Gail McLaughlin (North Carolina State University)
May-11-2015 – The era of large-scale cosmological simulations//Mark Vogelsberger (MIT)
May-07-2015 – Turbulent Origins of Solar and Stellar Winds//Steven Cranmer (University of Colorado Boulder)
May-04-2015 – On the Origin of Retrograde Hot Jupiters – New Insights from Triple Systems//Smadar Naoz (UCLA)
Apr-23-2015 – Little, Big: The Architecture of Planetary Systems//Rebekah Ilene Dawson (Berkeley)
Apr-20-2015 – Gas Flows in Galaxy Clusters//Brian McNamara (UWaterloo/PI)
Apr-16-2015 – An Uncooperative Universe: Large Scale Anomalies in the CMB//Glenn Starkman (Case Western Reserve University)
Apr-14-2015 – Sackler Lecture: The Fastest Particles in the Universe//Ellen Zweibel (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Apr-13-2015 – Sackler Lecture: The Microphysics and Macrophysics of Cosmic Rays//Ellen Zweibel (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Apr-09-2015 – Hunting Distant Ghosts: The Glowing Magnetospheres of Massive, Luminous Stars//Richard Townsend (University of Wisconsin Madison)
Mar-30-2015 – Cosmology with the HETDEX survey//Donghui Jeong (Penn State)
Mar-26-2015 – The morphology of the Milky Way and spiral galaxies//Alex Pettitt (Hokkaido University)
Mar-24-2015 – Observations of Speckles in Interstellar Scattering via Earth-Space Interferometry//Carl Gwinn (UC Santa Barbara)
Mar-23-2015 – Information field theory//Torsten Ensslin (MPA Garching)
Mar-09-2015 – Tidal deformation and dynamics of black holes//Eric Poisson (University of Guelph)
Feb-26-2015 – Astrophysical atomic structure – the state-of-the-art and uncharted territories//Anand Thirumalai (Arizona State University)
Feb-23-2015 – Weak lensing, thermal SZ effect and baryons//Alireza Hojjati (University of British Columbia)
Feb-17-2015 – New Insights on the Origin of Cosmic Rays//Damiano Caprioli (Princeton)
Feb-05-2015 – On the diversity of star-planet magnetic interactions//Antoine Stugarek (University of Montreal)
Jan-29-2015 – The Frequency of Potentially Habitable Planets Orbiting Small Stars//Courtney Dressing (Harvard)
Jan-19-2015 – The role of the interstellar magnetic field in the formation of matter structures//Andrea Bracco (Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale)
Jan-15-2015 – Luminous neutron stars//Andrei Beloborodov (Columbia U.)
Jan-12-2015 – Dust emission from Planck//Tuhin Ghosh (l’Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale, Orsay)
Jan-08-2015 – The Properties of Galactic Globular Clusters at Birth//Nathan Leigh (American Museum of Natural History)
Dec-11-2014 – UHECR anisotropies and magnetic fields//Federico Urban (Universite Libre de Bruxelles)
Dec-08-2014 – The Compositions of Small Planets//David Charbonneau (CfA, Harvard)
Dec-05-2014 – The power spectrum super-sample effect//Yin Li (University of Chicago)
Dec-01-2014 – The Magnetic Field of the Milky Way – A Canadian Perspective//Jo-Anne Brown (University of Calgary)
Nov-27-2014 – New Collisions in Physics: Entanglement, Holography & Renormalization//Rob Myers (Perimeter)
Nov-25-2014 – Cosmological simulations of the formation of galaxies//Joop Schaye (Leiden)
Nov-20-2014 – The 21-cm line as a new probe of magnetic fields in the pre-reionization epoch//Tejaswi Venumadhav (Caltech)
Nov-13-2014 – Black Hole Battery//Janna Levin (Barnard and Columbia)
Nov-10-2014 – Gravitational wave searches in pulsar timing data//Xavier Siemens (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
Nov-05-2014 – Absence of a local rest frame in far from equilibrium quantum matter//Paul Romatschke (University of Colorado, Boulder)
Nov-03-2014 – Cosmological Information Disappearing Behind Origami Folds//Mark Neyrinck (Johns Hopkins)
Oct-30-2014 – Superbubble Feedback in Galaxy Formation//James Wadsley (McMaster University)
Oct-21-2014 – Leveraging the Power of a Planet Population//Angie Wolfgang (UC Santa Cruz)
Oct-17-2014 – Large scale structure formation with the Schrodinger method//Cora Uhlemann (Arnold Sommerfeld Center)
Oct-14-2014 – Cross correlations with CMB secondaries//Nick Battaglia (Princeton)
Sep-29-2014 – Particle acceleration in pulsars: New insights from kinetic simulations//Benoit Cerutti (Princeton)
Sep-25-2014 – Probing the Nature of Inflation//Daniel Baumann (Cambridge DAMTP)
Sep-22-2014 – Cosmic flows: testing gravity and the matter power spectrum on very large scales//Mike Hudson (University of Waterloo)
Sep-18-2014 – Symmetry and Magnetic Fields//Ethan Vishniac (University of Saskatchewan)
Sep-05-2014 – Funny Thing Happened on the way to convergence: Large-scale Cosmic Flows//Hume Feldman (University of Kansas)
Sep-04-2014 – LHC Quo Vadis?//Nathaniel Craig (Rutgers/UCSB)
Jul-14-2014 – Our Lopsided Universe//Marina Cortes (University of Edinburgh)
Jul-04-2014 – ISIMA Lecture – 4 July 2014, Scott Tremaine//Scott Tremaine
Jul-04-2014 – [ISIMA] Self-perpetuating spiral arms in disk galaxies//Elena d”Onghia
Jul-04-2014 – [ISIMA] Formation of irregular satellites//Hagai Perets
Jul-03-2014 – ISIMA Lecture – 3 July 2014, Scott Tremaine, part 1/3//Scott Tremaine
Jul-03-2014 – ISIMA Lecture – 3 July 2014, Scott Tremaine, part 2/3//Scott Tremaine
Jul-03-2014 – ISIMA Lecture – 3 July 2014, Scott Tremaine, part 3/3//Scott Tremaine
Jul-03-2014 – [ISIMA] Modeling the debris of globular clusters//Andreas Kupper
Jul-03-2014 – [ISIMA] Star cluster dynamics: what we don”t know. Incomplete//Douglas Heggie
Jul-02-2014 – ISIMA Lecture – 2 July 2014, Douglas Heggie, part 1/2//Douglas Heggie
Jul-02-2014 – ISIMA Lecture – 2 July 2014, Douglas Heggie, part 2/2//Douglas Heggie
Jul-02-2014 – [ISIMA] Three-body resonances//Alice Quillen
Jul-02-2014 – [ISIMA] The life cycles of globular clusters in tidal fields, Mark Gieles, part 1/2//Mark Gieles
Jul-02-2014 – [ISIMA] The life cycles of globular clusters in tidal fields, Mark Gieles, part 2/2//Mark Gieles
Jul-02-2014 – [ISIMA] Galactic tides on star clusters: rocking the cradle and nailing the coffin//Florent Renaud
Jul-01-2014 – ISIMA Lecture – 1 July 2014, Douglas Heggie, part 1/2, Audio Only//Douglas Heggie
Jul-01-2014 – ISIMA Lecture – 1 July 2014, Douglas Heggie, part 2/2//Douglas Heggie
Jul-01-2014 – ISIMA Lecture – 1 July 2014, Scott Tremaine, incomplete//Scott Tremaine
Jul-01-2014 – [ISIMA] Lessons from Kepler//Yoram Lithwick
Jul-01-2014 – [ISIMA] Dynamics of large-N planetary systems, part 1/2//Yanqin Wu
Jul-01-2014 – [ISIMA] Dynamics of large-N planetary systems, part 2/2//Yanqin Wu
Jul-01-2014 – [ISIMA] Did our solar system lose a giant planet?//Man Hoi Lee
Jun-30-2014 – ISIMA Lecture – 30 June 2014, Doug Lin, part 3/3//Doug Lin
Jun-30-2014 – ISIMA Lecture – 30 June 2014, Doug Lin, part 2/3//Doug Lin
Jun-30-2014 – ISIMA Lecture – 30 June 2014, Doug Lin, part 1/3//Doug Lin
Jun-30-2014 – ISIMA Lecture – 30 June 2014, Douglas Heggie, part 1/2//Douglas Heggie
Jun-30-2014 – ISIMA Lecture – 30 June 2014, Douglas Heggie, part 2/2//Douglas Heggie
Jun-16-2014 – Large-Scale Surveys of Star Formation in the Milky Way//Peter Barnes (U. of Florida)
May-29-2014 – Tides in Coalescing Neutron Star Binaries//Nevin Weinberg (MIT)
May-12-2014 – Star formation in local interacting galaxies: A tale of compactness//Rafael Martinez Galarza (CfA, Harvard)
May-05-2014 – Modeling the gravitational waves from comparable mass binary systems//Tanja Hinderer (U. Maryland)
May-02-2014 – SpArcFiRe: Scalable Automated Detection of Spiral Galaxy Arm Segments//Wayne Hayes (UC Irvine)
Apr-30-2014 – Understanding Computational Astrophysics: Convection, Core Collapse and Supernovae//David Arnett (U. of Arizona)
Apr-24-2014 – Unleashing Feedback, the Star Formation-Supermassive Black Hole Connection//Joe Silk (Oxford)
Apr-22-2014 – From Here to Eternity – Public Sackler Lecture//Joeseph Silk (Oxford)
Apr-17-2014 – Whats Wrong with Dwarf Galaxies//Piero Madau (UC Santa Cruz)
Apr-07-2014 – Kinetic Luminosity of Quasar Outflows and its Implications to AGN Feedback//Nahum Arav (Virginia Tech)
Mar-20-2014 – Very Massive Stars//Jeremy Goodman (Princeton)
Mar-10-2014 – Dense matter and gravitational waves: neutron stars in coalescing binaries//Jocelyn Read (California State University, Fullerton)
Mar-03-2014 – How TeV Blazars Might Rewrite the Thermal History of the Universe: About Non-local AGN Feedback//Avery Broderick (Perimeter Institute/U. of Waterloo)
Feb-24-2014 – X-ray reflection as a probe of accreting Black Holes//Dan Wilkins
Feb-24-2014 – Planet Migration and the Kuiper Belt//Kat Volk
Feb-24-2014 – Holographic path to the turbulent side of gravity//Stephen Green
Feb-24-2014 – Heavenly Lenses: (not so?) dark cosmology with weak gravitational lenses//Joachim Harnois-Deraps
Feb-24-2014 – A non-parametric test of statistical isotropy//Graeme Addison
Feb-20-2014 – Efficient Realizations of the Observable Universe//Marcelo Alvarez (CITA)
Jan-30-2014 – New light on 21cm intensity fluctuations from the dark ages//Yacine Ali-Haimoud
Jan-23-2014 – Are Photons Movers and Shakers?//Shane Davis
Jan-20-2014 – The most likely shape of the inflaton potential//Carlo Contaldi
Jan-13-2014 – Quantitative Comparisons of the Largest Structures of the Universe//Changbom Park
Dec-16-2013 – Dead discs and unstable accretion bursts: magnetospheric accretion at low luminosities//Caroline D Angelo
Dec-09-2013 – Supermassive black hole binaries: the search continues//Tamara Bogdanovic
Dec-04-2013 – Feedback in Cluster Cores and Beyond//Subha Majumdar
Dec-02-2013 – On Quantum Tunneling and its Implications for Cosmology//Neil Turok
Nov-28-2013 – Exciting Waves in Accretion Disk Boundary Layers//Mikhail Belyaev
Nov-25-2013 – The Marvelous Success of the Standard Model of Cosmology//Lloyd Knox
Nov-18-2013 – Cosmic Bandits: Exploration vs. Exploitation in Cosmological Surveys//Ely Kovetz
Nov-11-2013 – Lighting up dark matter halos with dwarf galaxies in the Milky Way//Beth Willman (Haverford College)
Nov-07-2013 – New Constraints on the Amplitude of Cosmic Density Fluctuations and Intracluster Gas//Colin Hill
Oct-28-2013 – Raining Soot: The dynamics and consequences of circumplanetary debris disks//Dan Tamayo
Oct-24-2013 – Precision Measurements in the Milky Way Galaxy in the age of Large Scale Surveys//Alice Quillen
Oct-23-2013 – Distribution function approach to redshift-space distortions//Zvonimir Vlah
Oct-17-2013 – Obs. spinning neutron-star black-hole mergers w. gravitational-wave observatories//Ian Harry
Oct-10-2013 – Core-Collapse Supernova Simulations in Three Dimensions//Sean Couch
Oct-03-2013 – The large-scale distribution of gas//Guangtun Ben Zhu
Oct-03-2013 – Triggering of Feedback in Galaxy Cluster Cores//Mark Voit
Sep-30-2013 – The Role of Large Herschel Surveys in Fields of Galaxy Evolution and Cosmology//Marco Viero
Sep-26-2013 – Magnetically Controlled Accretion Flows and Winds from Planets//Fred Adams
Sep-19-2013 – Short Gamma-Ray Bursts and the EM Counterparts of Gravitational Wave Sources//Edo Berger
Sep-03-2013 – Recoiling super-massive black holes, a search in the nearby universe//Davide Lena
Aug-19-2013 – Formation of Supermassive Black Hole Binaries in Supermassive Star Collapse//Christian Reisswig
Aug-08-2013 – Zooming in on Coalescing Neutron Stars and Black Holes//Ruslan Vaulin
Aug-06-2013 – The Herschel ATLAS and the evolution of the galaxy main sequence//Steve Eales
Jul-15-2013 – Mystery of the fast moving object G2 at the Galactic center//Tuan Do
Jun-24-2013 – High mass star formation, highlights from Herschel imaging survey//Cassandra Fallscheer
Jun-17-2013 – Subproton-scale turbulence in astrophysical plasmas//Stanislav Boldyrev
Jun-13-2013 – Science with CMB spectral distortions: a new window to the early Universe//Jens Chluba
Jun-10-2013 – On a planet far, far away: Solving the inverse problem for extrasolar planets//Joanna Barstow
Jun-06-2013 – Dwarf Spheroidal Satellite Formation in a Reionized Local Group//Milos Milosavljevic
Jun-03-2013 – The measurement of the neutron star radius//Sebastien Guillot
May-27-2013 – The (Not Quite) First Galaxies in the Universe//Steve Furlanetto
May-23-2013 – Gamma-ray flares of blazars//Krzysztof Nalewajko
May-16-2013 – Gravitational Wave Telescopes, Time-Delay Interferometers, Choreographic Crystals//Latham Boyle
May-16-2013 – Detecting Modified Gravity in the Stars//Jeremy Sekstein
May-16-2013 – Detecting Modified Gravity in the Stars//Phil Hopkins
May-13-2013 – Planck: Parameters and Detection of non-Gaussianities//Antony Lewis
May-09-2013 – Anatomy and Physiology of Precessing Accretion Disks//Julian Krolik
May-07-2013 – Quantum Geometry and Interferometry//Craig Hogan
Apr-29-2013 – How can we measure neutron star radii?//Cole Miller
Apr-15-2013 – Voids in the SDSS: from demography to cosmology//Paul Sutter
Apr-11-2013 – The Dark Side of Dark Matter//Annika Peter
Apr-08-2013 – Evolution of Accretion Disks With Dead Zones//Steve Lubow
Apr-04-2013 – Gone with the Wind//Christy Tremonti
Mar-28-2013 – : Gravitational Waves, Black Holes, and Exoplanets: An Astrostatistics Journey//Will Farr
Mar-25-2013 – Nets and nests: accelerated Bayesian inference in astrophysics//Mike Hobson
Mar-25-2013 – Part I: The formation of multi-planetary systems //Hanno Rein
Mar-21-2013 – Relativistic orbital resonances and their impact on binary inspiral//Scott Hughes
Mar-18-2013 – Covering the Bases//Marc Kamionkowski
Mar-15-2013 – Effective field theory approach to quasi-single field inflation//Masahide Yamaguchi
Mar-14-2013 – Reconnection-driven plasmoids in blazars: fast flares on a slow envelope//Dimitrios Giannios
Mar-08-2013 – Towards nonsingular bouncing cosmologies//Yifu Cai
Mar-04-2013 – Resonant Shattering of Neutron Star Crusts//David Tsang
Feb-28-2013 – Dark Matter Halos from First Principles//Liliya Williams
Feb-26-2013 – Long Term Evolution of Decaying MHD Turbulence in the Multiphase ISM//Chang-Goo Kim, Stephen Green
Feb-26-2013 – Particle Acceleration in supernove remnants//Gilles Ferrand, Else Strakenburg, Graeme Addison
Feb-26-2013 – The CMB beyond the Power Spectrum & Testing the No-Hair Theorem//Duncan Hanson, Tim Johannsen
Feb-26-2013 – The Cosmic pecuilar velocity field//Yin-Zhe Ma, Joachim Harnois- Deraps, Jorge Moreno
Feb-21-2013 – Astrophysical Tests of Gravity //Bhuvnesh Jain
Feb-19-2013 – Cosmic Ray Acceleration in Supernova Remnants//Rebecca Danos
Feb-14-2013 – New ideas in stellar magnetism, and the magnetorotational instability//Geoffrey Vasil
Feb-11-2013 – Recent Topics in Core-Collapse Supernova Theory//Jason Nordhaus
Feb-07-2013 – Most Matter is Dark Matter, but that’s not all that Matters//Michael Kuhlen
Feb-04-2013 – Challenging the status quo with weak gravitational lensing//Ali Vanderveld
Feb-01-2013 – Multifield Reheating and the Fate of the Primordial Observables//Ewan Tarrant
Jan-28-2013 – Parameterizing dark sector perturbations//Jonathan Pearson
Jan-28-2013 – Non-ideal MHD Effects in Protoplanetary Disks//Christian Ott
Jan-24-2013 – The Evolution of Massive Stars towards Death: Rotation, Binarity and Mergers//Selma de Mink
Jan-21-2013 – Tidal Synchronization, Heating, and Novae in Binary White Dwarfs//James Fuller
Jan-17-2013 – Modified gravity from the micron to the megaparsec//Amol Upadhye
Jan-16-2013 – From the initial conditions of the Universe to our own Milky Way//Annalisa Pillepich
Jan-14-2013 – Crab Pulsar and the nebula: paradigm shifts?//Maxim Lyutikov
Dec-14-2012 – Weak lensing of CMB and cosmic shear as a probe of non-scalar perturbations//Toshiya Namikawa
Dec-13-2012 – Outflows from Active Galactic Nuclei: Central Black Holes and their host Galaxies//Daniel Proga
Dec-10-2012 – Paperclips and Supercomputers: a Low-Frequency Radio Cosmology Program//Aaron Parsons
Dec-06-2012 – SPIDER Map-Making, CMB Polarization, Modeling Polarized Microwave Fgnd. Emission //Caroline Clark
Dec-03-2012 – Imagining the future: Gravitational wave astronomy//Lee Samuel Finn
Nov-29-2012 – Filamentary Environment and Mass Measurements of Galaxy Clusters//Yookyung Noh
Nov-26-2012 – General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamic Accretion Disks: Simulations and Theory//Robert Penna
Nov-19-2012 – Gas Retention and Accumulation in Stellar Clusters and Galaxies//Jill Naiman
Nov-15-2012 – Thermal Stability and Vertical Structure of Radiation Dominated accretion Disks//Yan-Fei Jiang
Nov-13-2012 – Active Galactic Nuclei and their Hosts//Jonathan Stern
Nov-12-2012 – The next decade of weak lensing science//Rachel Mandelbaum
Nov-08-2012 – Tidal Disruption Events by Supermassive Black Holes: Transient Disk Evolution//Rongfeng Shen
Nov-05-2012 – Disks and outflows from black hole-neutron star mergers//Matthew Duez
Oct-30-2012 – Kozai Oscillations and Compact Objects in Triple Systems//Todd Thompson
Oct-22-2012 – Symmetries and Loops in Inflation//Daniel Green
Oct-22-2012 – Exoplanets and Astrobiology//Dave Spiegel
Oct-18-2012 – Origin, destruction of universal dark matter cusps through max Entropy principles//Andrew Pontzen
Oct-15-2012 – Sculpting cosmic gas into galaxy clusters//Mike McCourt
Oct-11-2012 – New Discoveries from the Numerical Simulation of Tidal Disruptions//James Guillochon
Oct-04-2012 – Some issues in the evolution of gas giant palnets//Andrew Cumming
Oct-02-2012 – What is (not) driving Star Formation in Molecular Clouds?//Fabian Heitsch
Sep-27-2012 – Resistivity and Dissipation in Pulsar Magnetospheres //Jason Li
Sep-27-2012 – The First Quasars in Cosmic Structure Formation//Tiziana Di Matteo
Sep-17-2012 – Velocity and feedback enhance 21-cm signal from first stars at z ~ 20//Anastasia Fialkov
Sep-17-2012 – Model-Independent Constraints on Inflation from the CMB//Eugene Vasilie
Sep-13-2012 – Searching for Radio Pulsars: Big Work for Big Payoff//Victoria Kaspi
Sep-10-2012 – 3D sims. of the emission from young supernova remnants including particle accel.//Gilles Ferrand
Sep-06-2012 – 99% Invisible: Uncovering dusty galaxies which lie beneath confusion noise floor//Marco Viero
Aug-23-2012 – Problems at future null infinity: Gravitational waves from precessing binaries//Michael Boyle
Aug-20-2012 – CMB Non-Gaussianity as a Probe of Primordial Magnetic Fields//Pranjal Trivedi
Aug-15-2012 – Continuum driven winds from rotating stars//Tomer Shacham
Jul-26-2012 – cosmography with the Herschel ATLAS and other Herschel Surveys 1//Steve Eales (Cardiff U.)
Jul-19-2012 – Inflation: Connecting Theory to Observation//Joel Meyers
Jul-05-2012 – Using stellar mass black holes to understand AGN//Chris Done
Jun-21-2012 – Small-N Collisional Dynamics: Pushing Into the Realm of Not-So-Small-N//Nathan Leigh
Jun-20-2012 – Dynamical Instabilities in Hierarchical Star and Planetary Systems//Kaitlin Kratter
Jun-18-2012 – Turbulent Linewidths in Protoplanetary Disks: Predictions from Numerical sims.//Jacob Simon
Jun-11-2012 – True CMB Power Spectrum Estimation//Paniez Paykari
Jun-07-2012 – Numerical sims. of planet-disk interac., SEEDS obs. of protoplanetary disks//Ruobing Dong
Jun-01-2012 – Carbonaceous dust under extreme conditions//Elisabetta Micelotta
May-31-2012 – Cosmic motions in the Local Universe//Guilhem Lavaux
May-30-2012 – Modelling formation of galaxy clusters: current status and challenges//Andrey Kravtsov
May-28-2012 – The quest to detect extremely-redshifted 21cm radiation//Matthew McQuinn
May-24-2012 – Observable Signatures of Coalescing Compact Binaries//Brian Metzger
May-23-2012 – Hunting for Dark Matter in Anisotropies of the Gamma-ray Sky//Eiichiro Komatsu
May-23-2012 – History of Giant Black Holes//Donald Lynden-Bell (University of Cambridge)
May-17-2012 – Energy bends space-time, does energy create it?//Donald Lynden-Bell
May-07-2012 – General Relativistic Resistive MHD with Whisky//Daniela Delia Alic
May-07-2012 – Turbulence and Cosmic-Rays in Galaxy Clusters//Peng Oh (UCSB)
Apr-26-2012 – Gravitational waves and Reduced Basis//Manuel Tiglio
Apr-26-2012 – Cosmology on a Moving Mesh//Lars Hernquist (CfA)
Apr-26-2012 – Dark Ages Radio Explorer (DARE)//Jack Burns (University of Colorado)
Apr-23-2012 – Understanding the Spectral Energy Distribution of galaxies//Viviana Acquaviva
Apr-19-2012 – Eccentric Black Hole-Neutron Star Mergers //Frans Pretorius
Apr-16-2012 – Rayleigh-Taylor Instabilities in a Dilute Plasma//Daniel Lecoanet
Apr-12-2012 – The evolution of the spins of massive black holes//Enrico Barausse
Apr-05-2012 – The Physics and Cosmology of TeV Blazars//Phil Chang
Mar-25-2012 – Dynamical Tides in Binaries: Merging White Dwarfs,//Dong Lai (Cornell University)
Mar-22-2012 – Star Formation By Demand//Eve Ostriker
Mar-15-2012 – Magnetized Accretion onto Inspiraling Binary Black Holes//Scott Noble
Mar-12-2012 – General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations – Neutron Stars, Black Holes//Bruno Giacomazzo
Mar-05-2012 – Understanding EROS microlensing observations towards the Spiral Arms//Sohrab Rahvar
Feb-28-2012 – Black Hole Spin and Relativistic Jets//Ramesh Narayan
Feb-21-2012 – Searching for Simplicity in the High-Redshift Universe//Kristian Finlator
Feb-09-2012 – Symmetries of the Very Early Universe//Justin Khoury
Feb-08-2012 – Role of the Ocean in climate change: the carbon story//Irina Marinov
Feb-06-2012 – Old Physics, New Tricks, and the Theory of Atomic Dark Matter//Francis-Yan Cyr-Racine
Feb-06-2012 – Old Physics, New Tricks, and the Theory of Atomic Dark Matter//Francis-Yan Cyr-Racine
Feb-02-2012 – Tests of Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy//Yin-Zhe Ma
Jan-30-2012 – Liquid Water Oceans on Sub-Neptune Exoplanets//Leslie Rogers
Jan-26-2012 – Optimizing global 21cm signal measurements with spectral and spatial information//Adrian Liu
Jan-23-2012 – Mapping New Frontiers of Cosmic Acceleration//Michael Mortonson
Jan-19-2012 – Two Tales of the Early Universe//Kris Sigurdson
Jan-16-2012 – Constraining the physics of inflation with the CMB//Kendrick Smith
Jan-12-2012 – The Dynamics and Afterglow Radiation of Gamma-Ray Bursts//Andrew MacFadyen
Dec-08-2011 – Simulating the Universe: past, present, and future results//Volker Springel
Dec-07-2011 – Collisionless, less Collisionless and Collisional Matter in the Universe//Mark Vogelsberger
Dec-06-2011 – Core Collapse Supernovae: Black Holes and Neutrinos//Evan O’Connor
Dec-05-2011 – Cluster Numbers and cosmological observables in Model Indep. Modified Gravity//Daniel Thomas
Dec-01-2011 – Space-based gravitational-wave astronomy in the next decade//Michele Vallisneri
Nov-29-2011 – The growth of galaxies and their gaseous haloes//Freeke van de Voort
Nov-28-2011 – All curled up: Shock-bubble interactions in clusters of galaxies//Sebastian Heinz
Nov-24-2011 – Tidal Evolution in Binaries Containing Solar-Type Stars//Phil Arras
Nov-21-2011 – Tidal Effects in Double White Dwarf Binaries//Francesca Valsecchi
Nov-17-2011 – The Galactic Haze/Bubbles: Energetic Phenomena in Centers of Galaxies//Greg Dobler
Nov-16-2011 – Connecting Cosmology and Galaxy Evolution//Graeme Addison
Nov-15-2011 – The dynamics of stars near massive black holes//Ann-Marie Madigan
Nov-14-2011 – Empirical Calibration of Extrasolar Tidal Interactions//Brad Hansen
Nov-10-2011 – Planet formation: First steps from first principles//Phil Armitage
Nov-07-2011 – Inflation, Reionization, and All That: The Primordial Inflation Explorer//Alan Kogut
Nov-03-2011 – Metal-rich white dwarfs as signposts of planet formation//Roman Rafikov
Oct-31-2011 – Intracluster Medium: Thermal Instability, Non-thermal Pressure Support//Ian Parrish
Oct-24-2011 – Extreme Data-Intensive Computing in Astrophysics//Alex Szalay
Oct-20-2011 – Signatures of Supermassive Black Hole Mergers: Before and After//Laura Blecha
Oct-17-2011 – The energetics of turbulent molecular gas and star formation//Fran̤ois Boulanger
Oct-13-2011 – Planck and the Cosmic Infrared Background//Jean-Loup Puget
Oct-13-2011 – The Origin and Detection of High-Redshift Supermassive Black Holes.//oltan Haiman (Columbia University)
Oct-05-2011 – Low metallicity star formation: a nursery for compact binary mergers?//Richard O’Shaughnessy (U. of Wisconsim, Milwaukee)
Oct-03-2011 – The Formation and Evolution of Massive Black Holes in Cosmological Simulations//Jillian Bellovary
Sep-29-2011 – Numerical Models of Weakly Radiating Black Holes//Charles Gammie
Sep-26-2011 – Simulating black hole binaries by imposing conservation laws//Yohai Meiron
Sep-22-2011 – Primordial Non-Gaussianity in Large-scale Structure//Marilena LoVerde
Sep-19-2011 – Anomalous odd-parity preference of CMB anisotropy data//Jaiseung Kim
Sep-15-2011 – Where will Einstein fail?//Niayesh Afshordi
Sep-08-2011 – Testing Physics with Millisecond Radio Pulsars//Paul Demorest
Aug-22-2011 – Dark Halo Contrac., Stellar IMF: Constr. from Scaling Relations, Strong Lensing//Aaron Dutton
Jul-15-2011 – Including realistic tidal deformations in binary-black-hole initial data//Tony Chu (Caltech)
Jul-15-2011 – Tidal Disruption of Stars by Massive Black Holes//Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz (UCSC)
Jun-24-2011 – Vachaspati//Tanmay Vachaspati (ASU)
Jun-24-2011 – The Multiverse Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics//Leonard Susskind (Stanford University)
Jun-24-2011 – The World as Hologram Part 1//Leonard Susskind
Jun-24-2011 – The World as Hologram Part 2//Leonard Susskind
Jun-22-2011 – Multistream flows in cosmology//Sergei Shandarin
Jun-20-2011 – Quantum Gravity in de Sitter Space//Alex Maloney
Jun-09-2011 – Inflation, infinity, equilibrium and the observable Universe//Andreas Albrecht
May-24-2011 – Phenomenology and detection of nuclear cosmic rays//Antje Putze
May-18-2011 – Electromagnetic counterparts and horizon geometry of binary black-hole mergers//Philipp Moesta
May-18-2011 – Alex Young + Erik Reese Lecture//
May-16-2011 – Overstable Modes in Planetary Rings //Peter Goldreich
May-12-2011 – Geodesically Complete Analytic Solutions to a Cyclic Universe//Holden Chen
May-05-2011 – Massive gravitons and enhanced gravitational lensing//Mark Wyman
May-05-2011 – The Radiative Efficiency of Accretion Flows in Individual Active Galactic Nuclei//Ari Laor (Technion)
May-02-2011 – Thermal and Non-Thermal Acceleration of Multiphase Galactic Winds//John Everett
Apr-21-2011 – Local non-Gaussianity Estimators for the CMB Data Analysis//Andrei Frolov
Apr-18-2011 – Pulsars//Andrei Gruzinov
Apr-18-2011 – Pulsars//Andrei Gruzinov
Apr-14-2011 – Photo and thermochemistry of interstellar ices: astrochemistry to astrobiology? //Louis D’endecourt
Apr-11-2011 – The stars that shouldn’t be there: dynamical solutions to existential paradoxes //Hagai Perets
Apr-07-2011 – Cosmology from the Cosmic Energy Inventory//Masataka Fukugita
Apr-05-2011 – Effects of shear flows on dynamo action in a convecting layer//Mike Proctor
Mar-28-2011 – Detecting Gravitational Waves with Pulsars: NANOGrav Status and a New Technique//Dan Stinebring
Mar-24-2011 – Accretion in Protoplanetary Disks //Eugene Chiang
Mar-22-2011 – High Luminosity Accretion onto Black Holes: How the Physics Really Works//NONE
Mar-21-2011 – The cosmic X-ray and gamma-ray background from dark matter annihilation//Jes̼s Zavala Franco
Mar-15-2011 – The anisotropies of the Cosmic Infrared Background: the evolution of structures//NONE
Mar-14-2011 – The flywheels of helios: making sense of how stars go round. //Steve Balbus
Mar-12-2011 – Numerical modeling of non-equilibrium proc. and impl. to galactic disk evolution//van Minchev (Potsdam)
Mar-07-2011 – Dynamos, Turbulence, and Transport in Accretion Disks//NONE
Mar-01-2011 – Diverse Energy Sources for Supernovae//Lars Bildsten
Feb-17-2011 – Alternatives to cosmological inflation from quantum gravity//Robert Brandenberger
Feb-14-2011 – A Supernova in a Jar//Stephen Morris
Feb-10-2011 – Galaxies with Gasoline: Recent progress in Galaxy Formation//James Wadsley
Feb-07-2011 – Electromagnetic signatures of merging Black holes. //Maxim Lyutikov
Feb-03-2011 – Cosmology from Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Galaxy Clusters//Neelima Sehgal
Jan-31-2011 – Secrets from the Stellar Nursery//Alison Sills
Jan-27-2011 – Probing the Accretion of Gas onto Galaxies: Opportunities and Pitfalls//Claude-AndrÌ© Faucher-Gigu̬re
Jan-25-2011 – Double Degenerate Collisions and Mergers//Cody Raskin
Jan-24-2011 – Some Aspects of Cosmological Helium//Eric Switzer
Jan-20-2011 – First Result from QUIET//NONE
Jan-17-2011 – The fate of planetary systems beyond the main sequence//Amy Bonsor
Jan-11-2011 – Non-ideal MHD Effects in Protoplanetary Disks//NONE
Jan-10-2011 – Model-Independent Constraints on Inflation from the CMB//NONE
Jan-06-2011 – Exploring the Ends of the Rainbow//NONE
Dec-09-2010 – On making galaxies one star at a time//Tom Abel (KIPAC)
Dec-09-2010 – Evolution of Circumbinary Disks Following Super-massive Black Hole Mergers//Nate Bode (Caltech)
Dec-08-2010 – Have process, will travel: adventures in plasma astrophysics//Anatoly Spitkovsky (Princeton University)
Dec-08-2010 – The Formation of Massive Stars//Mark Krumholz (UC Santa Cruz)
Dec-06-2010 – Galaxy clustering as a probe of cosmology //Uros Seljak
Dec-02-2010 – Constraining dawn of cosmic structure and epoch of reionization with 21 cm line//Jonathan Pritchard
Dec-02-2010 – Constraining dawn of cosmic structure and epoch of reionization with 21 cm line//Jonathan Pritchard
Nov-22-2010 – Weak Lensing Magnification – A New Window to Cosmology//Hendrik Hildebrandt
Nov-18-2010 – Measuring and putting limits on gravitational-waves using pulsar timing//Rutger van Haasteren
Nov-15-2010 – Screening Dark Energy//Justin Khoury
Nov-08-2010 – Electromagnetic Flares from the Tidal Disruption of Stars by Massive Black Holes//Linda Strubbe
Oct-21-2010 – Neutron Star Atmospheres, Sizes and Cooling//Craig Heinke
Oct-19-2010 – Fast and accurate primordial hydrogen recombination theory//Yacine Ali-Haimoud
Oct-18-2010 – Transient resonances in extreme mass ratio inspirals//Tanja Hinderer
Oct-07-2010 – Finding Dark Galaxies From Tidal Imprints//Sukanya Chakrabarti
Oct-04-2010 – The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Spectrum and parameters from 2008 South Survey//Renee Hlozek
Oct-01-2010 – Supermassive Black Holes and the Problem of Galaxy Formation//Brian McNamara (UWaterloo/PI)
Sep-30-2010 – Electromagnetic Counterparts of Spacetime Sirens//Kristen Menou
Sep-20-2010 – A Search for Very Old Stars//J.V. Narlikar
Sep-17-2010 – Simulations of rapidly star-forming galaxies at redshift ~2//Shy Genel (MPA)
Sep-13-2010 – Cosmology with a Bounce//Paul Steinhardt
Sep-02-2010 – Extrasolar Planets via Bayesian Model Fitting//Phil Gregory
Aug-12-2010 – Revisiting the (RV) exoplanet eccentricity distribution//Margaret Pan
Jul-28-2010 – Bondfest Day 1- Part 5//Joe Silk
Jul-28-2010 – Bondfest Day 1 – Part 6//Craig Hogan
Jul-27-2010 – Bondfest Day 1 – Part 1//Norm Murray, George Efsthathiou, Bernard Carr
Jul-27-2010 – Bondfest Day 1 – Part 2//Mitch Begelman
Jul-27-2010 – Bondfest Day 1 – Part 3//james Bardeen, Rashid Sunyaev
Jul-27-2010 – Bondfest Day 1 – Part 4//John Peacock, Yannick Mellier
Jul-22-2010 – CITA 25 Day 2 – Theory, Lev Kofman Part 1//Dick Bond, Gary Felder, Zhiqi Huang
Jul-22-2010 – CITA 25 Day 2 – Thoery, Lev Kofman Part 2//Shinji Mukohyama, Varun Sahni, Pascal Vaudrevange
Jul-21-2010 – CITA 25 Day 2 – Clusters Part 1//Arif Babul, Nicolas Battaglia, Subba Majumdar
Jul-21-2010 – CITA 25 Day 2 – Clusters Part 2//Peter Thomas, Gillian Wilson
Jul-21-2010 – CITA 25 Day 2 – Isotropy Part 1//Andrei Frolov
Jul-21-2010 – CITA 25 Day 2 – Isotropy Part 2//Marco Pelso, Tarun Souradeep, Glenn Starkman
Jul-21-2010 – CITA 25 Day 2 – Isotropy Part 3//Istvan Szapudi
Jul-21-2010 – CITA 25 Day 2 – Theory Part 1//Cliff Burgess, Niayesh Afshordi
Jul-21-2010 – CITA 25 Day 2 – Theory Part 2//Ghazal Geshnizjani, Kris Sigurdson, Mark Wyman
Jul-20-2010 – CITA 25 Day 1 – 21cm Part 2 //Albert Stebbins, Rajat Thomas
Jul-20-2010 – CITA 25 Day 1 – Compact Objects Part 1//Denis Leahy
Jul-20-2010 – CITA 25 Day 1 – Compact Objects Part 2//Natalia Ivanova, Mikhail Medvedev, Sharon Morsink
Jul-20-2010 – CITA 25 Day 1 – Compact Objects Part 3//Lorne Nelson
Jul-20-2010 – CITA 25 Day 1 – Planets and Galaxies Part 1//Thomas Quinn, Philip Chang
Jul-20-2010 – CITA 25 Day 1 – Planets and Galaxies Part 2//Chris Thompson, Man Hoi Lee, Wayne Hayes
Jul-20-2010 – CITA 25 Day 1 – Galaxies, Dynamics Part 1//Rien van de Weygaert, Larry Widrow, John Dubinksi
Jul-20-2010 – CITA 25 Day 1 – Galaxies, Dynamics Part 2//Gustavo Yepes, Yuri Levin
Jul-19-2010 – CITA 25 Day 1 – 21cm Part 1//Rennan Barkana, Kiyoshi Masui, Ue-Li Pen
Jun-17-2010 – Lyman-alpha forest: Friend or Foe?//Shirley Ho
Jun-07-2010 – The Formation of the Magellanic Stream//Gurtina Besla
Jun-03-2010 – SZE scaling relations from a `working’ model of galaxy clusters//Subha Majumdar
Jun-03-2010 – The First Galaxies and Reionization//Avi Loeb (Harvard/CfA)
Jun-01-2010 – Bond Fest//Dick Bond
Jun-01-2010 – Modelling the Galaxy Population//Simon White
Jun-01-2010 – 30 Years of Bondage!//George Efsthathiou
May-07-2010 – Starting Reionization with the First Stars and Galaxies//John Wise (Princeton)
May-06-2010 – Lyman-alpha forest with BOSS: progress report//Anze Slosar
Apr-26-2010 – Self-calibrating weak lensing systematical errors//Pengjie Zhang
Apr-07-2010 – Light Shows from Supermassive Binary Black Hole Mergers//Pablo Laguna
Apr-05-2010 – Predicting the Final Spin and Recoil for Black Hole Mergers//Michael Kesden
Apr-01-2010 – What we do not yet know about star formation in galaxies//Nick Gnedin
Mar-30-2010 – Mass-Radius and Equation of State Constraints from X-Ray Obs. Of ms Pulsars//Denis Leahy
Mar-25-2010 – Electroweak stars: Electroweak Matter Destruction as Exotic Stellar Engine//Dejan Stojkovic
Mar-15-2010 – From planet formation to thermodynamic constraints on the first genetic code//Ralph Pudritz
Mar-11-2010 – New MHD Instabilities in Weakly Collisional Astrophysical Plasmas//Jim Stone (Princeton)
Mar-11-2010 – Gravitational-wave astronomy with LIGO and Virgo//Marc van der Sluys
Mar-04-2010 – Non-Gaussianity: Fundamental Interactions and Inflation//Sarah Shandera
Mar-01-2010 – Waves & Bands: Compact binaries as producers of gravitational and EM radiation//Luis Lehner
Feb-26-2010 – Ultrahigh energy cosmic rays: experimental progress and puzzles the data present//Glennys Ferrar (NYU)
Feb-24-2010 – Towards Empirical Understanding of Gas Accretion and Star Formation in Galaxies//Guinevere Kauffmann
Feb-11-2010 – Light after First Dark Ages: Constraints on Reionization from Spitzer, HST, WMAP //Ranga-Ram Chary
Feb-04-2010 – Formation and evolution of giant molecular clouds in global galaxy disk sims.//Elizabeth Tasker
Feb-03-2010 – Considerations for Observational Studies of Resolved Star Formation Law//Nurur Rahman
Jan-25-2010 – CMB observations and dark matter annihilations//Xuelei Chen
Jan-22-2010 – Mysteries of the Large-Angle Microwave Sky//Dragan Huterer
Jan-18-2010 – Sunyaev-Zel’Dovich Cosmology with the South Pole Telescope//Keith Vanderlinde
Dec-16-2009 – AlfvÌ©n QPOs in Magnetars in the anelastic approximation//Pablo CerdÌÁ-DurÌÁn
Dec-15-2009 – Magnetic fields and rotation in core-collapse supernova//Martin Obergaulinger
Dec-10-2009 – Simulations and Analytic Models of Relativistic Magnetized Jets//Alexander Tchekhovskoy
Dec-07-2009 – Probing particle dark matter with gamma-ray background anisotropy//Shin’ichiro Ando
Nov-26-2009 – Nonabelian Dark Matter//Jim Cline (McGill)
Nov-23-2009 – Tidal Dissipation in Io and Enceladus//Dave Stevenson
Nov-19-2009 – Cosmological hydrogen recombination//Dan Grin (Caltech)
Nov-09-2009 – Is the Classical Approximation Justified During Inflation?//Cliff Burgess
Nov-09-2009 – Is the Classical Approximation Justified During Inflation?//Cliff Burgess
Nov-05-2009 – Heat, Dust, and Water in Protostellar Accretion Disks//Jeremy Goodman
Nov-04-2009 – Equivalence Principle and Cosmic Acceleration//Lam Hui (Columbia)
Nov-02-2009 – The First Supermassive Black Holes? //Mitch Begelman
Nov-02-2009 – Precision Measurments of the Hubble Constant from the Gravitational Lens//Sherry Suyu
Nov-02-2009 – Searching for other Earths//David Spergel (Princeton)
Oct-22-2009 – Primordial Black Holes as Probe of Early Universe, High-Energy Physics, Dark Side//Bernard Carr
Oct-15-2009 – Dark Energy: Two Alternative//Adam Moss (UBC)
Oct-15-2009 – Nonlinear Tides in Solar-Type Stars//Eliot Quataert
Oct-15-2009 – Numerical simulations of binary black holes with nearly extremal spins//Geoffrey Lovelace (Cornell)
Sep-16-2009 – What if the Milky Way isn’t integrable?//David Hogg
Sep-16-2009 – Fermi gamma rays, the WMAP haze, and dark matter//Doug Finkbeiner
Sep-16-2009 – Aspects of Horava-Lifshitz cosmology//Shinji Mukohyama (IPMU)
Jun-30-2009 – A Model for Lya Blobs//Mark Dijkstra
Jun-19-2009 – Did Dark Matter Annihilations Reionize The Universe?//Dan Hooper
Jun-09-2009 – Analytic Methods in the Age of Numerical Relativity//Mark Evata
May-12-2009 – A Model for Lya Blobs//Mark Dijkstra
Apr-09-2009 – Fundamental Physics from the Sky//Stefano Profumo
Apr-06-2009 – Dynamics of the R-Node Instability of Accreting Neutron Stars//Ira Wasserman
Mar-27-2009 – In Search of the 2nd Parameter//Aaron Dottor
Mar-12-2009 – Cosmological SPH Simulations//Greg Brinson
Mar-05-2009 – Astrophysicsal Signatures of Dark Matter Annihilation//Greg Durbler
Mar-05-2009 – Measuring Black Hole Spin//Ramesh Narayan
Mar-05-2009 – The Solar Rachocline and the Generation of Global-scale Magnetism//Untitled
Mar-05-2009 – Instability of Interacting Cosmic Sheets in Striped Relativistic Winds//Jonathan Arons
Mar-05-2009 – Fermi and the Origin of Cosmic Rays//Roger Blandford
Feb-13-2009 – Planetary Spins, Kuiper Belt Objects and Binaries//Untitled
Feb-13-2009 – Radiative Feedback During Reionization: Then and Now//Marcelo Alvarez
Jan-29-2009 – The non-linear evolution of the cosmic microwave background radiation//Untitled
Jan-29-2009 – Galactic Cold Dark Matter Substructure Prospects for (In)direct Detection//Michael Kahlon
Jan-26-2009 – Observations Through a Lumpy Universe//Marilena LaVerde
Jan-26-2009 – Defining Probabilities in Eternally Inflating Universes//Alan Guth (MIT)
Jan-15-2009 – The Milky Way with SDSS: Decoding The Rosetta Stone of Galaxy Formation//Mario Juric (IAS)
Dec-12-2008 – Surveying for Strong Gravitational Lenses//Phil Marshall (UC Santa Barbara)
Dec-12-2008 – TRAPHIC – Radiative Transfer for Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Simulations//Andreas Pawlik (Leiden University)
Dec-12-2008 – New Insights into the Mechanism of Core-Collapse Supernovae//Adam Burrows (Princeton)
Dec-11-2008 – New CMB Polarization Results From QUaD//Clem Pryke (University of Chicago)
Dec-11-2008 – Dynamics of Transiting Exoplanets//Daniel Fabrycky (Harvard University)
Dec-11-2008 – AMR Studies of Star Formation: Simulations and Simulated Observations//Stella Offner (UC Berkeley)
Dec-11-2008 – Black Hole Spins and the Gravitational Recoil Effect//Etienne Racine (University of Maryland)
Dec-11-2008 – Massive black hole binaries in circumnuclear disks//Massimo Dotti (Univeristy of Michigan)
Nov-10-2008 – Watching Worlds Collide: Signatures of String Theory in Cosmology//Matthew Kleban (New York University)
Nov-10-2008 – HeII Reionization and Its Effect on the IGM//Matt McQuinn (CfA, Harvard)
Oct-30-2008 – Measurements of black hole spin with X-ray spectroscopy//Chris Reynolds (University of Maryland)
Oct-30-2008 – Structure Beyond the Horizon: Inflationary Origins of the Cosmic Power Asymmetry//Adrienne Erickcek (Caltech)
Oct-28-2008 – Cosmological Simulations for Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Cluster Surveys//Laurie Shaw
Oct-09-2008 – Holographic Systematics of D-brane Inflation//Daniel Baumann (Harvard)
Oct-06-2008 – Black hole in a post-Newtonian tidal environment//Eric Poisson (University of Guelph)
Oct-06-2008 – How would you like your ionised IGM: Rare, Medium Rare, or Well Done?//Eric Tittley (Institute for Astronomy, Royal Observatory, Edinburgh)
Oct-03-2008 – Galaxy Redshift Surveys: The Precision Cosmology Probe of the Future?//Patrick McDonald
Aug-28-2008 – Gravitational Lenses as Extended Variable Sources//Chris Kochanek
Aug-28-2008 – Time delay perturbations & dark matter substructure//Leonidas Moustakas
Aug-28-2008 – Merging galaxy clusters and the future of cluster lensing//Marusa Bradac & Douglas Clowe
Aug-28-2008 – Combining Lensing with SNIa and CMB – sampling the posterior//Martin Kilbinger
Aug-28-2008 – The halo mass function: from (almost) first principles//Neal Dalal
Aug-28-2008 – Low z 21cm cosmology and Information saturation in gravitational lensing surveys//Tzu-Ching Chang & Tingting Lu & Ue-Li Pen
Aug-28-2008 – Non-Gaussianity with SDSS and future surveys//Chris Hirata
Aug-28-2008 – Lensing of the CMB //Kendrick Smith
Aug-28-2008 – Upcoming Lensing surveys: Beyond The Obvious – Concluding Remarks//Robert Lupton
Aug-27-2008 – Alignment of Voids in the Cosmic Web: tidal shear and intrinsic alignments //Rien van de Weygaert
Aug-27-2008 – Beyond magnification//Ryan Scranton & Brice MÌ©nard
Aug-27-2008 – Lensed Supernovae: Challenges and Opportunities//Greg Dobler
Aug-27-2008 – The Next Decade in Strong Lens Surveying: Exotic Lenses//Phil Marshall & Tommaso Treu
Aug-26-2008 – How galaxy interaction, large-scale environment jointly det. galaxy properties//Changbom Park
Aug-26-2008 – Bayesian shape measurement//Alan Heavens & Ludo van Waerbeke
Aug-26-2008 – Gravitational flexion//David Bacon
Aug-26-2008 – Including Baryonic Processes in Shear Power Spectrum Predictions//Andrew Zentner
Aug-26-2008 – Magnification Bias//Lam Hui
Aug-26-2008 – Efficient use of simulations for parameter inference in lensing surveys//Lloyd Knox
Aug-26-2008 – Optical Cluster Surveys: Strong Lensing//Mike Gladders & Howard Yee
Aug-15-2008 – Black holes and cosmic antimatter //Alex Dolgov (Univ. of Ferrara and INFN, Italy and ITEP, Moscow, Russia)
Aug-15-2008 – The Giant Metre-wave Radio Telescope : Recent Science Results and Upgrade Plans//Yashwant Gupta
Aug-15-2008 – New nonlinear effects in modified gravity: GR limit and implications for lensing//Roman Scoccimarro
Aug-15-2008 – Excursions into bispectra//Francis Bernardeau
Aug-15-2008 – Magnification Bias and/or Degravitation//Lam Hui
Aug-15-2008 – Forecasting & analysing weak lensing surveys: beyond the comprehensible//Gary Bernstein
Aug-15-2008 – Beyond the Lensing Community: GREAT08 and other potential challenges//Sarah Bridle
Aug-14-2008 – Cosmological Recombination//Jens Chluba
Jul-24-2008 – Supernova remnants and the effect of efficient cosmic ray acceleration //Brian Reville
Jul-24-2008 – Neutron Star Superfluidity, Glitches, Evolution of Mag. Fields in Compact Stars //Alpha Mastrano
Jul-10-2008 – Cosmological Web: Test of General Relativity//Yong-Seon Song
Jul-10-2008 – Variation of fundamental constants from Big Bang to atomic clock//Victor Flambaum
Jul-02-2008 – X-Ray Binaries and the Current Dynamical States of Galactic Globular Clusters//John Fregeau
Jul-02-2008 – The Physics of Collisionless Shocks //Anatoly Spitkovsky
Jun-19-2008 – Black hole simulations //Harald Pfeiffer
Jun-19-2008 – The first stars and the nature of dark matter//Liang Gao
Jun-17-2008 – Numerical Relativity and a new frontier: Connecting the seen with the unseen//Luis Lehner
Jun-17-2008 – Numerical Relativity and a new frontier: Connecting the seen with the unseen//Luis Lehner
Jun-17-2008 – Numerical Relativity and a new frontier: Connecting the seen with the unseen//Luis Lehner
Jun-17-2008 – Formation of cold dark matter halos and stellar halos//Juerg Diemand
Jun-17-2008 – Formation of cold dark matter halos and stellar halos//Juerg Diemand
Jun-05-2008 – Formation of cold dark matter halos and stellar halos//Juerg Diemand
May-12-2008 – Dynamical Origin of Exoplanet Orbital Properties //Mario Juric
May-08-2008 – Black Hole-Neutron Star Mergers: A Progress Report//Josh Faber
May-05-2008 – Dust Masses, PAH Fractions, and Starlight Intensities in the SINGS Galaxies//Bruce Draine
Apr-24-2008 – Exoplanetary Atmospheres //Kristen Menou
Apr-24-2008 – Quasars and Galaxy Mergers: Fueling, Feedback, and Evolution //Phil Hopkins
Apr-14-2008 – Quasars from z=0 to z=6: Demographics and Clustering as Clues to Physical Nature //Michael Strauss
Apr-10-2008 – Astro Public Lecture//Andrea Ghez (UCLA)
Apr-10-2008 – Formation of First Stars: Found. for Galaxy and Supermassive Black Hole Form. //Jonathan Tan
Mar-31-2008 – Microlensing Searches for Planets: Results and Future Prospects//Scott Gaudi
Mar-24-2008 – The Dark Mass at the Center of Our Galaxy //Andrea Ghez (UCLA)
Mar-20-2008 – Magnetar oscillations Part 2//Yuri Levin (Leiden)
Mar-13-2008 – Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) Obs.: Cosmological Interpretation//Eiichiro Komatsu (U. Texas at Austin)
Mar-13-2008 – Magnetar oscillations//Yuri Levin (Leiden)
Mar-07-2008 – Atmospheric Dynamics of Short-Period Planets//Ian Dobbs-Dixon (McGill, CITA National Fellow)
Mar-07-2008 – Large-scale 3D Simulations of Protostellar Jets: Constraining the Disk Wind Model//Kai Cai (McMaster)
Mar-07-2008 – Skip, Splash, and Teleology in Binary Black Hole Encounters //Richard Matzner (University of Texas, Austin)
Feb-29-2008 – The origin of radioactivities in the early solar system//Amanda Karakas (Mt Stromlo Observatory)
Feb-25-2008 – Supernova Feedback in SPH Simulations of Galaxy Formation//Greg Stinson (McMaster)
Feb-21-2008 – Exciting Waves and Modes in Accretion Disks //Dong Lai (Cornell)
Feb-04-2008 – Magnetized Coronae of Stars and Accretion Disks//Dmitri Uzdensky (Princeton)
Feb-04-2008 – From Megaparsecs to Milliparsecs: Modeling a Disk Galaxy with Cosmological Sims.//Robyn Levine (Colorado/Fermilab)
Jan-31-2008 – Understanding Origin of IMF through Star Formation Simulations w. Thermal Physics//Andrea Urban (U. of Texas, Austin)
Jan-23-2008 – Oscillations During Type I X-ray Bursts: Why We See Them, and Why We Don`t //Randall Cooper (Harvard)
Jan-23-2008 – Reverse-Engineering the Galaxy Formation Problem//Jeremy Tinker (Chicago)
Jan-23-2008 – Interpreting Probes of the Reionization Epoch//Andrei Mesinger (Yale)
Jan-21-2008 – The search for obscured quasars//Nadia Zakamska (IAS)
Jan-17-2008 – Exploring the Universe Through a Slit //Doron Chelouche (IAS)
Jan-15-2008 – Growing Supermassive Black Holes by z = 6 with “quasistars” //Elena Rossi (JILA, Colorado)
Jan-15-2008 – Dynamical Tides in the Atmospheres of Hot Jupiters//Eric Johnson (Princeton)
Dec-11-2007 – Nonlinear Evolution of Acoustic Oscillations//Roman Scoccimarro (NYU)
Dec-06-2007 – Reconstructing the history of dark energy using maximum entropy //Caroline Zunckel (Oxford)
Dec-05-2007 – Galaxy halos at (very) high resolution//Simon White (MPA)
Dec-05-2007 – Through a glass darkly: Saturn`s enigmatic B ring//Phil Nicholson (Cornell)
Dec-05-2007 – Measurements and Simulations of the Madison Dynamo Experiment//Erik Spence (ETH Zurich)
Dec-03-2007 – Galaxy halos at (very) high resolution//Simon White (MPA)
Nov-30-2007 – The Toronto Dark Energy Smackdown: A debate on the future direction of astronomy//Simon White and Rocky Kolb
Nov-27-2007 – Graviational-wave standard sirens and cosmology//Daniel Holz
Nov-27-2007 – Saturn in a Spin//Alison Farmer (CfA)
Nov-20-2007 – Using local tests of modified gravity to probe cosmological physics//Tristan Smith (Caltech)
Nov-20-2007 – A framework for probing gravity and dark energy on cosmological scales//Mustafa Amin (Stanford)
Nov-14-2007 – Excitation of Lunar Eccentricity by Planetary Resonances//Matija Cuk (UBC, CITA National Fellow)
Nov-14-2007 – Probing Hydrogen Reionization//Adam Lidz (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA)
Oct-29-2007 – What Can We Learn about Galaxy Evolution from Galaxy Clustering?//Zheng Zheng (IAS)
Oct-29-2007 – Cosmological Wiggles and Plateaux in Power-Spectrum Covariance//Mark Neyrinck (IfA, Hawaii)
Oct-04-2007 – Tidal Evolution of Rubble Piles//Peter Goldreich (IAS)
Nov-30–0001 – Asimina Arvanitaki (Perimeter Institute)//2023-12-04
Nov-30–0001 – Dynamical Formation of Merging Compact Binaries
//Dong Lai (Cornell University)
Nov-30–0001 – New frontiers in gravitational-wave astrophysics
//Jess McIver (University of British Columbia)
Nov-30–0001 – Black Holes in the Early Universe//Dan Hooper (University of Chicago)

Nov-30–0001 – From Pebbles to Planets: New Frontiers in Planet Formation//Richard Teague (MIT)
Nov-30–0001 – The Hubble Tension and Primordial Magnetic Fields//Levon Pogosian (Simon Fraser University)
Nov-30–0001 – The emergence of galaxies in the first billion years//Pratika Dayal (University of Groningen)
Nov-30–0001 – Testing the H0 and ?8 tensions with galaxy surveys and large-scale structure//Alex Krolewski (University of Waterloo)
Nov-30–0001 – Insights from the Orbital Architectures of Planetary Systems//Malena Rice (Yale University)
Nov-30–0001 – Probing the Universes expansion with multi-messenger astronomy//Antonella Palmese (Carnegie Mellon University)
Nov-30–0001 – Growing a magnetic field in a turbulent plasma//James Beattie (University of Toronto)
Nov-30–0001 – CMB Experiments as Wide Field Astrophysics Surveys//Gilbert Holder (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Nov-30–0001 – The Connection Between Globular Cluster Formation and The Biggest Black Holes//Carl Rodrigues (University of North Carolina)
Nov-30–0001 – Diffuse Neutrino Flux from Coronae of Supermassive Black Holes//Rostom Mbarek (University of Maryland)
Nov-30–0001 – Probing the Galactic Potential and Accretion History with Stellar Streams//Sergey Koposov (University of Edinburgh)