CITA Inter-Institutional MOUs
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (KITP)
December 31, 2026
December 31, 2026
To enhance the scientific breadth of young researchers, as well as increase scientific interactions between the institutes.
To enhance the scientific breadth of young researchers, as well as increase scientific interactions between the institutes.
Up to three visits per calendar year. Visits are three weeks in length.
Up to three visits per calendar year. Visits are three weeks in length.
CITA pays: local expenses and accommodation
Home institution pays: plane fare and salary
CITA pays: local expenses and accommodation
Home institution pays: plane fare and salary
Intellectual property and acknowledgements
None defined.
None defined.
Who can use this MOU
Visitors are selected collaboratively, but the formal invitation must come from the host institution. Housing assistance cannot be guaranteed for scientists choosing to bring their families or visiting for fewer than three weeks.
Visitors are selected collaboratively, but the formal invitation must come from the host institution. Housing assistance cannot be guaranteed for scientists choosing to bring their families or visiting for fewer than three weeks.
How to request a visit under the MOU
Discuss potential visits with the director of your home institution.
Discuss potential visits with the director of your home institution.
Contacts: Shantanu Basu, CITA Interim Director; Lars Bildsten, KITP Director
The Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ASIAA)
February 1, 2026
February 1, 2026
To develop strong interactions in astrophysics through the exchange of personnel and the development of joint research projects.
To develop strong interactions in astrophysics through the exchange of personnel and the development of joint research projects.
None defined.
None defined.
None defined.
None defined.
Intellectual property and acknowledgements
None defined.
None defined.
Who can use this MOU
Graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, research staff, and faculty, in association with joint research projects and workshops.
Graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, research staff, and faculty, in association with joint research projects and workshops.
How to request a visit under the MOU
Discuss potential visits with the director of your home institution.
Discuss potential visits with the director of your home institution.
Contacts: Shantanu Basu, CITA Interim Director; Ue-Li Pen, ASIAA Acting Director
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics (PI)
August 4, 2024
August 4, 2024
To encourage scientific exchange visits and collaborations between researchers at both institutions in order to promote progress in all research areas of common interest and to build academic ties between the two institutions.
To encourage scientific exchange visits and collaborations between researchers at both institutions in order to promote progress in all research areas of common interest and to build academic ties between the two institutions.
Maximum of 26 person-weeks per academic year.
Maximum of 26 person-weeks per academic year.
CITA pays: accommodation and per diem
Home institution pays: travel costs
Workshops: provided on an equal basis
CITA pays: accommodation and per diem
Home institution pays: travel costs
Workshops: provided on an equal basis
Intellectual property and acknowledgements
Where the research visit results in one or more publications, the host institution should be acknowledged and notified.
Where the research visit results in one or more publications, the host institution should be acknowledged and notified.
Who can use this MOU
Postdocs and faculty.
Postdocs and faculty.
How to request a visit under the MOU
To qualify, a candidate must submit their request at least two weeks prior to the visit, explaining the benefit of the visit and a description of research to be undertaken.
To qualify, a candidate must submit their request at least two weeks prior to the visit, explaining the benefit of the visit and a description of research to be undertaken.
Contacts: Shantanu Basu, CITA Interim Director; Marcela Carena, PI Director
Flatiron Institute Centre for Computational Astrophysics (CCA)
December 1, 2024
December 1, 2024
To encourage the exchange of scientists as part of a broad scientific endeavor conducting fundamental research in areas of astrophysics, physics, and data science.
To encourage the exchange of scientists as part of a broad scientific endeavor conducting fundamental research in areas of astrophysics, physics, and data science.
Maximum of 15 person-weeks per academic year. Visits are one week in length, unless mutually agreed otherwise.
Maximum of 15 person-weeks per academic year. Visits are one week in length, unless mutually agreed otherwise.
CITA pays: accommodation and per diem
Home institution pays: travel costs
CITA pays: accommodation and per diem
Home institution pays: travel costs
Intellectual property and acknowledgements
Work results achieved by CITA and CCA in the framework of the program activities are intended for publication.In principle, the institutions shall jointly publish such results. In all cases, the institutions shall acknowledge and notify each other.
Work results achieved by CITA and CCA in the framework of the program activities are intended for publication.In principle, the institutions shall jointly publish such results. In all cases, the institutions shall acknowledge and notify each other.
Who can use this MOU
Postdocs and faculty.
Postdocs and faculty.
How to request a visit under the MOU
Discuss potential visits with the director of your home institution.
Discuss potential visits with the director of your home institution.
Contacts: Shantanu Basu, CITA Interim Director; Julianne Dalcanton, CCA Director