


Photo of Shantanu Basu
Shantanu Basu
Interim Director
Work MP1402 Website:
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Photo of James Beattie
James Beattie
Post Doctoral Fellow Plasma Astrophysics, HD/MHD Turbulence and Dynamos, Supersonic Plasmas and Shocks, Cosmic Ray Propagation, Binary Neutron Star Mergers, Numerical Methods, High-performance Computing, Interdisciplinary Research
Work MP 1413 Website:
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Photo of J. Richard Bond
J. Richard Bond
Professor Astrophysics & Cosmology – Physics of the Very Early Universe; Origin and Evolution of Cosmic Structure; Cosmic Radiation Backgrounds; The Dark Matter & Dark Energy Problems; Particle and Gravitational Theory
Work MP 1419 Work Phone: (416) 978-6874 Website:
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Photo of Nathan Carlson
Nathan Carlson
Graduate Student Cosmology, Theoretical Physics, General RelativityPhysics
Work MP 1318
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Photo of Jennifer Y. H. Chan
Jennifer Y. H. Chan
Post Doctoral Fellow Cosmological Radiative Transfer, Cosmic Magnetism, Cosmological Reionization
Work MP 1302
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Photo of Rimpei Chiba
Rimpei Chiba
Post Doctoral Fellow Dynamics of galaxies and dark matter, Resonant dynamics of the galactic bar
Work MP 1304 Website:
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Daven Cocroft
Graduate Student Black Holes, Accretion Disks, Galaxy Evolution, Large Structure Evolution, High Energy Phenomena (Cosmic Rays, Quasars, AGN)
Work MP 1203
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Photo of Luciano Combi
Luciano Combi
National Fellow Gravitation, astrophysics, multi-messenger astronomy, compact objects
Work University of Guelph
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Photo of Janosz Dewberry
Janosz Dewberry
Post Doctoral Fellow Astrophysical fluid dynamics and magnetohydrodynamics, accretion disk dynamics, stellar and planetary oscillations
Work MP 1401 Website:
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Photo of Biprateep Dey
Biprateep Dey
Post Doctoral Fellow Photometric Redshifts, Galaxy Evolution, Astrostatistics.
Work MP1421 Website:
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Photo of Danielle Dineen
Danielle Dineen
Graduate Student Theoretical Cosmology, Early Universe, InflationAstronomy and Astrophysics
Work MP 1318C
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Photo of Lyuba Encheva
Lyuba Encheva
Communications and Events Coordinator
Work MP1401
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Photo of Reed Essick
Reed Essick
Assistant Professor experimental gravity, astrophysical signals and their interpretation, nuclear physics, neutron stars, neutron star equation of state, black holes,gravitational waves, x-ray and radio observations of pulsars, hierarchical Bayesian inference, nonparametric inference, machine learning
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Photo of Maya Fishbach
Maya Fishbach
Assistant Professor gravitational-wave astronomy and cosmology, black holes, neutron stars, massive stars, transients, large-scale structure, astrostatistics
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Photo of Heather Fong
Heather Fong
National Fellow Gravitational waves, black holes, neutron stars, machine learning
Work University of British Columbia
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Photo of Neige Frankel
Neige Frankel
Post Doctoral Fellow Astrophysics, Galaxy Evolution, Milky Way
Work MP 1421 Website:
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Photo of Tanisha Ghosal
Tanisha Ghosal
Graduate Student Magnetohydrodynamics, Numerical Simulations, and Solar PhysicsPhysics
Work MP 1416
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Photo of Michael Grehan
Michael Grehan
Graduate Student Fundamental plasma physics, black holes, neutron stars, and MHDPhysics
Work MP 1416
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Photo of Sam Hadden
Sam Hadden
Post Doctoral Fellow exoplanets, dynamics
Work MP 1305 Website:
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Photo of Milan Prazak Ilnyckyj
Milan Prazak Ilnyckyj
Executive Assistant to the Director
Work MP1403 Work Phone: 416-978-6879
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Photo of Shivan Khullar
Shivan Khullar
Graduate Student Giant Molecular Clouds, Star formation models, simulations
Work MP 1203A Website:
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Photo of Alex Krolewski
Alex Krolewski
National Fellow Cosmology, Particle Physics, Gravitational lensing, Photometric and Spectroscopic surveys, Intergalactic medium
Work University of Waterloo Website: Research
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Photo of Jay Li
Jay Li
IT Manager
Work MP 1408 Work Phone: 4169467290
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Photo of Yong Xian Liao
Yong Xian Liao
Graduate Student Physics
Work MP 1416
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Photo of Utkarsh Mali
Utkarsh Mali
Graduate Student Gravitational waves, computational astrophysics, Bayesian statistics, theoretical physicsPhysics
Work MP 1318 Website:
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Photo of Geetam Mall
Geetam Mall
Graduate Student Pulsar ScintillationPhysics
Work MP 1201
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Photo of Labani Mallick
Labani Mallick
National Fellow Black Holes, Active Galactic Nuclei, Relativistic Winds, AGN Feedback, Black Hole Formation and Evolution, Gravitational waves
Work University of Manitoba Website: Research
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Photo of Peter Martin
Peter Martin
Professor Galactic Ecology, Star Formation, Dust Evolution, Gaseous Nebulae; using BLAST, Planck, Herschel Space Observatory (SPIRE and HIFI), JWST/ NIRCAM, International Galactic Plane Survey
Work MP 1417 Work Phone: (416) 978-6840 Website:
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Photo of Kevin McKinnon
Kevin McKinnon
Post Doctoral Fellow Galaxy Formation and Evolution, Stellar Spectroscopy, Applied Statistics
Work MP 1421 Website:
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Photo of Diego Montalvo
Diego Montalvo
Graduate Student Compact objects and binaries, pulsars, gravitational wavesPhysics
Work MP 1202A Website:
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Photo of Thomas Morrison
Thomas Morrison
Graduate Student Physics
Work MP 1318
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Photo of Norman Murray
Norman Murray
Professor Nonlinear Dynamics, Solar System Dynamics, Solar Physics, Active Galactic Nuclei
Work MP 1402 Work Phone: (416) 978-1778 Website:
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Photo of Gibwa Musoke
Gibwa Musoke
Post Doctoral Fellow Black hole accretion, relativistic jets, General Relativistic Magneto Hydrodynamic simulations, Magneto Hydrodynamic simulations
Work MP 1312
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Photo of Ue-Li Pen
Ue-Li Pen
Professor What are the initial conditions for the universe? How can we improve astrophysics measurement techniques by orders of magnitude to answer precise questions, e.g. neutrino mass, gravitational waves, pulsar emission?
Work MP 1317 Work Phone: (416) 978-6477 Website:
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Photo of Vasilii Pustovoit
Vasilii Pustovoit
Graduate Student Intermediate Mass Black Holes, Gravitational Waves, Galaxy Formation SimulationsPhysics
Work MP 1318
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Photo of Marta Reina-Campos
Marta Reina-Campos
Post Doctoral Fellow Globular clusters, galaxy formation and evolution, star formation and feedback, numerical simulations
Work MP1404C Website:
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Photo of Sean Ressler
Sean Ressler
Post Doctoral Fellow Black hole accretion, Sagittarius A*, MHD/GRMHD simulations
Work MP 1302 Website:
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Photo of Bart Ripperda
Bart Ripperda
Assistant Professor High-energy astrophysics. Computational Astrophysics and Numerical Methods. Black Holes. Neutron Stars. Magnetohydrodynamics. Plasma Physics. General Relativity. Solar Physics.
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Photo of Alicia Savelli
Alicia Savelli
Graduate Student Black hole accretion, plasma astrophysics, galaxy evolutionDADDAA
Work MP 1405
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Photo of Aryanna Schiebelbein-Zwack
Aryanna Schiebelbein-Zwack
Graduate Student Gravitational waves, Black hole populations, Multi-messenger astrophysicsAstronomy
Work MP 1416
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Photo of Braden Seefeldt-Gail
Braden Seefeldt-Gail
Graduate Student Active Galactic Nuclei, Plasma Astrophysics, Magnetohydrodynamics, Black Hole Accretion, General Relativity, Astronomical Instrumentation
Home MP 1318
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Photo of Thierry Serafin Nadeau
Thierry Serafin Nadeau
Graduate Student Astronomy
Work MP 1212
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Photo of Ashley Stock
Ashley Stock
Graduate Student Pulsar scintillation, interstellar mediumAstronomy
Work MP 1202B
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Photo of Jiayi Sun
Jiayi Sun
National Fellow Interstellar medium, Star formation and feedback, Millimeter and radio observations
Work McMaster University Website:
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Photo of Ling Tan
Ling Tan
Department Manager
Work MP 1404B
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Photo of Chris Thompson
Chris Thompson
Professor high-energy astrophysics, neutron stars, magnetars
Work MP 1316 Work Phone: (416) 978-8784
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Photo of Alexandru Titeu
Alexandru Titeu
Research Institute Financial Officer
Work MP1401
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Photo of Doga Tolgay
Doga Tolgay
Line Intensity MappingPhysics
Work MP 1405
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Photo of Anna Tsai
Anna Tsai
Graduate Student Cosmology, Gravitational lensingPhysics
Work MP 1405
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Photo of Aditya Vijaykumar
Aditya Vijaykumar
Post Doctoral Fellow Gravitational-wave physics and astrophysics, compact objects and their progenitors, astrostatistics
Work MP 1312 Website:
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Photo of Akshara Viswanathan
Akshara Viswanathan
National Fellow Galactic archeology, Formation and evolution of the Milky Way, Metal-poor stars
Work University of Victoria Website: Research
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Photo of Pavan Vynatheya
Pavan Vynatheya
Post Doctoral Fellow Stellar evolution and dynamics, Binary and multiple-star systems, Tidal disruption events, Black holes, Gravitational waves, Hydrodynamics, N-body dynamics, Machine learning
Work MP1310 Website:
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Photo of Michael Wilensky
Michael Wilensky
National Fellow Radio cosmology, Statistical tools for radio frequency interference (RFI), Bayesian inference
Work McGill University
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Photo of Daniel Xiao
Daniel Xiao
Computer Systems Administrator
Work MP 1413
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Photo of Duo Xu
Duo Xu
Post Doctoral Fellow Magnetohydrodynamics, Interstellar Medium, Star Formation, Machine Learning
Work MP1404D Website:
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Photo of Claire Ye
Claire Ye
Post Doctoral Fellow Stellar Dynamics, Globular Clusters, Compact Object Binaries
Work MP 1305 Website:
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Photo of Ioana Zelko
Ioana Zelko
Post Doctoral Fellow Dark matter, Cosmology, Interstellar medium, Galaxy Structure, Magnetic Fields
Work MP 1301 Website:
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Photo of Jonathan Zhang
Jonathan Zhang
Graduate Student Fast Radio BurstsPhysics
Work MP 1416
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