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Special Events

CITA National Jamboree 2024

The Jamboree is an annual gathering of the CITA community from all over Canada, which provides an opportunity for new members to share their research with everyone. This year’s Jamboree will include a series of short informal presentations, social events, contributed talks and discussion.

Schedule of Events:
Virtual presenters are denoted with an asterisk…

Job App Hackathon 2024

The CITA mentorship committee is once again hosting a Job App Hackathon! The CITA Job App Hackathon is an opportunity to prepare job application materials and get feedback from peers and mentors, including several CITA, Dunlap, and Physics faculty. In addition to co-writing sessions in the morning and afternoon, attendees will be able to sign-up for short one-on-one meetings wit…

Job App Hackathon 2023

This event is an opportunity to prepare job application materials and get feedback from peers and mentors, including several CITA faculty. We will overcome the “tyranny of the blank page” together!
The will be a special guest seminar by Prof Ayelet Fishbach (Univ. of Chicago) on “Lessons from the Science of Motivation”.
Coffee/tea, snacks, and lunch will be provided.
This event is…

CITA Flagship Welcomes Back CITA + PI Day

CITA and Perimeter Institute gathered for CITA + PI Day on Friday May 19, 2023. These gatherings aim to foster interaction, collaboration, and sharing of new ideas in our common fields of interest through a series of informal talks followed by discussion.

CITA + PI Days are 1-day workshops that bring together students, postdocs, and faculty from CITA, the Perimeter Institute, and other…

Dr. Sara Seager visiting CITA next month

Join Dr. Sara Seager for breakfast in MP125 on June 16, 2023 at 9am.

CITA and the Dunlap Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics are excited to be welcoming Dr. Sara Seager to campus on June 15th and 16th to accept an honorary doctorate and meet with our students. Dr. Seager is an expert in the field of exoplanets. She completed her undergraduate studies in Mathematics and Physics at UofT before pursing graduate work at Harvard. Dr. Seager is currently a…

CITA – PI Day (May 19, 2023)

Date: May 19th, 2023 (registration deadline: April 28th)
Location: CITA – 60 St. George St, 13th and 14th floors

The CITA-PI Day meeting series, ongoing between researchers at Perimeter Institute and CITA, aims to foster interaction, collaboration, and sharing of new ideas in our common fields of interest through a series of informal talks followed by discussion.

CITA – PI Days are 1-day…

Jamboree 2022

The CITA National Jamboree is an annual event with short presentations from all CITA faculty, postdocs, and grad students describing their research. It is an opportunity for incoming postdocs and students and anyone who wants to learn more about CITA and the research done here.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022 @12-5pm EST (in-person/zoom)

McLennan Physical Laboratories (MP) 1318A


CITA Planet Day

The goal of this meeting is to bring together Canadian astronomers working on a variety of (exo)planet-related topics to share their research, discuss the latest challenges and opportunities in the field, and forge new collaborations.

On August 9th we will have a science meeting featuring invited and contributed talks as well as discussion sessions on a variety of topics. Participants ar…

Scintillometry Workshop 2022

This is a 5-day astrophysics workshop dedicated to Scintillometry, which includes the fields of interferometry, the interstellar medium, and pulsar emission physics.
In the past, this workshop series has been extremely useful, particularly to early-career researchers, in gathering top experts to discuss the current landscape of the field. These workshops have led to many fruitfu…

Jamboree 2021

The CITA National Jamboree is an annual event with short presentations from all CITA faculty, postdocs, and grad students describing their research. It is an opportunity for incoming postdocs and students and anyone who wants to learn more about CITA and the research done here.
Monday, October 7, 2021 via zoom.

Organizers: Jonathan Braden and Dongwoo…

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