Graduate Students

Photo of Nathan Carlson
Nathan Carlson
Graduate Student Cosmology, Theoretical Physics, General RelativityPhysics
Work MP 1318
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Daven Cocroft
Graduate Student Black Holes, Accretion Disks, Galaxy Evolution, Large Structure Evolution, High Energy Phenomena (Cosmic Rays, Quasars, AGN)
Work MP 1203
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Photo of Danielle Dineen
Danielle Dineen
Graduate Student Theoretical Cosmology, Early Universe, InflationAstronomy and Astrophysics
Work MP 1318C
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Photo of Tanisha Ghosal
Tanisha Ghosal
Graduate Student Magnetohydrodynamics, Numerical Simulations, and Solar PhysicsPhysics
Work MP 1416
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Photo of Michael Grehan
Michael Grehan
Graduate Student Fundamental plasma physics, black holes, neutron stars, and MHDPhysics
Work MP 1416
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Photo of Dylan Jow
Dylan Jow
Graduate Student Cosmology, Gravitational waves, Gravity
Work MP 1318
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Photo of Shivan Khullar
Shivan Khullar
Graduate Student Giant Molecular Clouds, Star formation models, simulations
Work MP 1203A Website:
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Photo of Fei Li
Fei Li
Graduate student
Work MP 1416
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Photo of Yong Xian Liao
Yong Xian Liao
Graduate Student Physics
Work MP 1416
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Photo of Utkarsh Mali
Utkarsh Mali
Graduate Student Gravitational waves, computational astrophysics, Bayesian statistics, theoretical physicsPhysics
Work MP 1318 Website:
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Photo of Geetam Mall
Geetam Mall
Graduate Student Pulsar ScintillationPhysics
Work MP 1201
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Photo of Diego Montalvo
Diego Montalvo
Graduate Student Compact objects and binaries, pulsars, gravitational wavesPhysics
Work MP 1202A Website:
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Photo of Thomas Morrison
Thomas Morrison
Graduate Student Physics
Work MP 1318
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Photo of Vasilii Pustovoit
Vasilii Pustovoit
Graduate Student Intermediate Mass Black Holes, Gravitational Waves, Galaxy Formation SimulationsPhysics
Work MP 1318
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Photo of Alicia Savelli
Alicia Savelli
Graduate Student Black hole accretion, plasma astrophysics, galaxy evolutionDADDAA
Work MP 1405
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Photo of Aryanna Schiebelbein-Zwack
Aryanna Schiebelbein-Zwack
Graduate Student Gravitational waves, Black hole populations, Multi-messenger astrophysicsAstronomy
Work MP 1416
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Photo of Braden Seefeldt-Gail
Braden Seefeldt-Gail
Graduate Student Active Galactic Nuclei, Plasma Astrophysics, Magnetohydrodynamics, Black Hole Accretion, General Relativity, Astronomical Instrumentation
Home MP 1318
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Photo of Thierry Serafin Nadeau
Thierry Serafin Nadeau
Graduate Student Astronomy
Work MP 1212
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Photo of Ashley Stock
Ashley Stock
Graduate Student Pulsar scintillation, interstellar mediumAstronomy
Work MP 1202B
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Photo of Doga Tolgay
Doga Tolgay
Line Intensity MappingPhysics
Work MP 1405
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Photo of Anna Tsai
Anna Tsai
Graduate Student Cosmology, Gravitational lensingPhysics
Work MP 1405
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Photo of Jonathan Zhang
Jonathan Zhang
Graduate Student Fast Radio BurstsPhysics
Work MP 1416
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