CITA Fellow James Beattie was awarded close to 100-million-core-hours to explore the nature of turbulence and dynamos
CITA Fellow James Beattie was awarded close to 100-million-core-hours to explore the nature of turbulence and dynamos
CITA Fellow James Beattie was awarded close to 100-million-core-hours to explore the nature of turbulence and dynamos
Research in Nature by CITA National Fellow Simon Blouin grants new understanding of delayed white dwarfs.
Research in Nature by CITA National Fellow Simon Blouin grants new understanding of delayed white dwarfs.
Research in Nature by CITA National Fellow Simon Blouin grants new understanding of delayed white dwarfs.
CITA astrophysicists have been awarded major grants to study how magnetic energy from neutron stars is converted to radiation.
CITA astrophysicists have been awarded major grants to study how magnetic energy from neutron stars is converted to radiation.
CITA astrophysicists have been awarded major grants to study how magnetic energy from neutron stars is converted to radiation.
Featured News
Magnetized Plasma around Merging Black Holes Shines and Burst like the Corona of the Sun
CITA faculty Maya Fishbach receives this year’s Annie Jump Cannon Award in Astronomy
First-Ever Detection of Mid-IR Flares in Sgr A*- the Supermassive Black Hole at the Galactic Center
CITA Professor Norman Murray is distinguished as a 2025 Fellow of the American Astronomical Society
The Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration Reports a Spectacular Flare from the Centre of the Messier 87 Galaxy
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About CITA
The Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics is a nationally supported research centre located at the University of Toronto that is devoted to studying the origin and evolution of the universe, and the many wonderful phenomena revealed by modern astronomy. We foster interaction within the community of astrophysicists through workshops and a constant flow of visitors. Distinguished alumni of our vibrant post-doctoral program are spread across Canada and the globe.