CITA Mission
The Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA) is a world-renowned national institute that serves as a centre of excellence where students, postdoctoral fellows (PDFs), faculty members, international visitors and other scholars conduct research in theoretical astrophysics across Canada. CITA’s varied programs aim to advance the frontiers of knowledge in astrophysics, with a significant focus on training postdoctoral scholars to become leading researchers within Canada and across the globe. CITA is a flagship for theoretical astrophysics, comprising a critical mass of the best and brightest postdoctoral researchers guided by core faculty of its host, the University of Toronto. Under the umbrella of CITA Inc. and its CITA Council, faculty across Canada work together to enhance theoretical astrophysics across the country through joint research and capacity-building programs, including fellowships, traineeships and the organization of workshops and meetings. Collectively, these activities allow CITA to pursue a three-pronged mission.
- M1: Training the Next Generation of Forefront Researchers
- M2: Fostering Canadian knowledge exchange
- M3: Providing Global Leadership through ground-breaking science