Message from the Chair of CITA Council
The Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA) promotes research in astrophysics, fosters collaboration among members of the community throughout Canada, and provides a venue for interactions with international visitors who carry out cutting-edge work in our field. The CITA Inc. Council includes five elected members from within the Canadian astrophysics community, representing a variety of regional and disciplinary perspectives in the institute’s leadership.
Throughout its existence, CITA has played an important role in fostering the careers of junior astrophysicists from around the world, many of whom have gone on to illustrious careers in Canada and abroad.
None of CITA’s accomplishments would have been possible without the generosity of our sponsors. On behalf of our community, I am pleased to express my gratitude to the University of Toronto and the funding agencies of the federal government for their encouragement and unwavering support for the last 40 years.
We look forward to continue serving our community for many years to come.