CITA Flagship Committees
Visitor/Seminar Committee
The visitor/seminar committee (VC) is responsible for organizing the bi-weekly seminars for the CITA
flagship. The VC has a faculty member as chair and has 2 other faculty members as well as 2-3
postdoctoral fellows. Graduate students may participate fully in nominations and VC discussions as
observers on the committee and should not be excluded from the process; however, graduate
students shall not be tasked as being hosts. The VC is charged with ensuring a vibrant and exciting
range of seminars on different subject matter from individuals of a wide range of astrophysical
topics. Long-term visits and non-astrophysics seminars require input from and explicit approval
from the CITA Director. MOU visits will be tracked by the VC and reported regularly to the CITA
Director to ensure that CITA is fulfilling its commitments to its partners and vice versa.
Blackboard Seminars Committee
The blackboard seminar committee has a faculty advisor and two postdoctoral fellows. This group is
responsible for ensuring the weekly blackboard seminars are arranged. The blackboard seminars
are intended to provide training in preparing and delivering blackboard lectures of the highest
quality. The seminar committee will consider best practices and provide feedback to junior speakers
on the “dos” and “don’ts” of giving such a seminar.
Postdoctoral Fellowship Selection Committee
The postdoctoral fellowship selection committee has a Faculty chair and all CITA faculty serve on this
committee. The committee has input from postdoctoral scholars on areas of specific domain
overlap. The selection committee is charged with ensuring CITA selects fellows that best represent
our values of scientific leadership, intellectual creativity, and technical depth as our 3-part rubric.
Mentorship Committee
The CITA Mentorship committee ensures that the National Mentorship program functions properly
to achieve its aim. This committee has a single faculty member as a lead who ensures mentorship
teams are meeting periodically and team changes can be made as needed. The faculty lead will
maintain/share materials related to mentoring that may assist teams e.g. recordings of job-related
panel discussions and articles about job applications and career paths.
Computing Committee
The CITA Computing committee ensures that CITA’s computational infrastructure is adequate for the
computational needs of CITA scholars. This committee has a faculty member as chair and the CITA
HPC and IT staff as members along with interested CITA faculty and postdocs. This committee is
charged with procurement, monitoring, and maintenance of new HPC systems as required.