
Photo of Peter Martin
Peter Martin
Professor and Interim Director Galactic Ecology, Star Formation, Dust Evolution, Gaseous Nebulae; using BLAST, Planck, Herschel Space Observatory (SPIRE and HIFI), JWST/ NIRCAM, International Galactic Plane Survey
Work MP 1417 Work Phone: (416) 978-6840 Website: www.cita.utoronto.ca/~pgmartin/
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Photo of J. Richard Bond
J. Richard Bond
Professor Astrophysics & Cosmology – Physics of the Very Early Universe; Origin and Evolution of Cosmic Structure; Cosmic Radiation Backgrounds; The Dark Matter & Dark Energy Problems; Particle and Gravitational Theory
Work MP 1419 Work Phone: (416) 978-6874 Website: www.cita.utoronto.ca/~bond/
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Photo of Norman Murray
Norman Murray
Professor Nonlinear Dynamics, Solar System Dynamics, Solar Physics, Active Galactic Nuclei
Work MP 1402 Work Phone: (416) 978-1778 Website: www.cita.utoronto.ca/~murray/
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Photo of Ue-Li Pen
Ue-Li Pen
Professor What are the initial conditions for the universe? How can we improve astrophysics measurement techniques by orders of magnitude to answer precise questions, e.g. neutrino mass, gravitational waves, pulsar emission?
Work MP 1317 Work Phone: (416) 978-6477 Website: www.cita.utoronto.ca/~pen/wordpress/
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Photo of Chris Thompson
Chris Thompson
Professor high-energy astrophysics, neutron stars, magnetars
Work MP 1316 Work Phone: (416) 978-8784
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Photo of Reed Essick
Reed Essick
Assistant Professor experimental gravity, astrophysical signals and their interpretation, nuclear physics, neutron stars, neutron star equation of state, black holes,gravitational waves, x-ray and radio observations of pulsars, hierarchical Bayesian inference, nonparametric inference, machine learning
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Photo of Maya Fishbach
Maya Fishbach
Assistant Professor gravitational-wave astronomy and cosmology, black holes, neutron stars, massive stars, transients, large-scale structure, astrostatistics
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Photo of Bart Ripperda
Bart Ripperda
Assistant Professor High-energy astrophysics. Computational Astrophysics and Numerical Methods. Black Holes. Neutron Stars. Magnetohydrodynamics. Plasma Physics. General Relativity. Solar Physics.
Website: https://bartripperda.com
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