Post Doctoral Fellows
Biprateep Dey
Post Doctoral Fellow
Photometric Redshifts, Galaxy Evolution, Astrostatistics.
Kevin McKinnon
Post Doctoral Fellow
Galaxy Formation and Evolution, Stellar Spectroscopy, Applied Statistics
Marta Reina-Campos
Post Doctoral Fellow
Globular clusters, galaxy formation and evolution, star formation and feedback, numerical simulations
Sean Ressler
Post Doctoral Fellow
Black hole accretion, Sagittarius A*, MHD/GRMHD simulations
Aditya Vijaykumar
Post Doctoral Fellow
Gravitational-wave physics and astrophysics, compact objects and their progenitors, astrostatistics
Pavan Vynatheya
Post Doctoral Fellow
Stellar evolution and dynamics, Binary and multiple-star systems, Tidal disruption events, Black holes, Gravitational waves, Hydrodynamics, N-body dynamics, Machine learning
Claire Ye
Post Doctoral Fellow
Stellar Dynamics, Globular Clusters, Compact Object Binaries
Ioana Zelko
Post Doctoral Fellow
Dark matter, Cosmology, Interstellar medium, Galaxy Structure, Magnetic Fields