Presentation Archive

Gas Flows in Galaxy Clusters

Brian McNamara (UWaterloo/PI)

April 20, 2015

Abstract: Galaxies and clusters are embedded in hot, gaseous atmospheres that serve as repositories of fuel, ejecta from evolved stars, and mechanical energy released by supermassive black holes. Some of this gas is expected to cool and form stars. Some does cool, but most giant elliptical galaxies are “red and dead,” apparently because cooling is suppressed by powerful radio jets that heat the gas in a self-regulating feedback loop. Recent studies have shown that radio- mechanical feedback in elliptical galaxies drives hot and cold gas outflows at rates of tens to hundreds of solar masses per year. Apparently, low density X-ray bubbles couple efficiently to dense molecular clouds, with implications for the evolution of galaxies and supermassive black holes. I will highlight new results from the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) showing molecular outflows and star formation occurring in molecular filaments rather than in disks.