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The Gruber Foundation 2018 Cosmology Prize to Planck Team (including Dick Bond, Peter Martin)

Reconstruction of primordial curvature

“The Gruber Foundation is pleased to present the 2018 Cosmology Prize to the Planck Team, and to Jean-Loup Puget and Nazzareno Mandolesi, the leaders of the HFI and LFI instrument consortia, for mapping the temperature and polarization of the cosmic microwave background radiation with the ESA Planck spacecraft.

Planck measured, with unprecedented precision, the matter content and geometry of…

New TRAPPIST-1 Web App Launched

TRAPPIST-1 is the most musical system ever discovered and now you can conduct its planetary symphony by simply pressing buttons and moving sliders in a new interactive web application:

Hear the original sonification of TRAPPIST-1 and learn about what makes this system so special at

This was…

The TRAPPIST-1 Treasure Trove (Classroom Visit)

The TRAPPIST-1 Treasure Trove (Classroom Visit)

In February of 2017, astronomers announced an exciting development in our exploration of worlds beyond the solar system: not only do 7 Earth-sized planets orbit a nearby star known as TRAPPIST-1, but 3 of them may be able to support liquid water! To celebrate this discovery, the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics and Discover t…

CITA research featured on CBC News

Research on gravitational waves by CITA Professor Harald Pfeiffer has been featured on CBC news.

Read the artic…

Postdoctoral Fellowship and National Fellowship Applications Now Open

Applications for CITA’s Postdoctoral Fellowship and National Fellowship are now open.

Please click on the links below for more information on how to apply.

Postdoctoral Fellowship


In Search of Dark Dwarf Galaxies

CITA Director Norman Murray is part of a team led by Yashar Hezaveh that recently analyzed and published data that could help solve the mystery of dark matter, which comprises roughly a quarter of the mass-energy in our universe.

The cosmological theory of cold dark matter (CDM) predicts that dark matter, the “glue” that holds our universe together, is cold: its particles move around…

CITA Prof. Pfeiffer and Former Postdoc Van Waerbeke Win the Humboldt Foundation’s Bessel Award

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation [] grants about 20 Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Awards annually, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, to internationally renowned academics from abroad in recognition of their outstanding accomplishments in research to date and their exceptional promise for the future. Award winners are invited to to spend…

Daniel Tamayo is the recipient of the 2015 Jeffrey L. Bishop Fellowship

Daniel Tamayo was awarded the Bishop fellowship for his work in orbital dynamics, particularly his recent research elucidating how forming planetary systems evolve to create the diversity of orbital architectures we observe around other stars today.

In the last twenty years, researchers have discovered thousands of planets orbiting other stars. The results are surprising, with about half of…

Professor J. Richard Bond Receives an Honorary Degree from SMU

On January 23, 2016, CITA Professor J. Richard Bond was one of two exemplary individuals presented with an honorary degree from Saint Mary’s University. He was bestowed a Doctor of Science, Honoris Causa degree from SMU to recognize his outstanding contributions to the field of cosmology.
A glowing account of Prof. Bond’s many accomplishments was published on SMU’s news webpage. SMU’s president…

New Light Shed on the Fast Radio Burst Mystery

NRAO Fast Radio Burst Press Release Video from NRAO Outreach on Vimeo.

Kiyoshi Masui speaks to Nature Podcast about the team’s recent findings.

A team of astronomers, led by the former CITA graduate student Kiyoshi Masui, and including current CITA professor Ue-Li Pen, have uncovered the most detailed record of a Fast Radio Burst…

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