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Francois Foucart is the recipient of the 2013 Beatrice and Vincent Tremaine Fellowship

Foucart is the 15th recipient of the Tremaine Fellowship which is awarded annually at the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics. He was selected for his outstanding work in numerical simulations in general relativity. In particular Foucart is studying mergers of black holes and neutron stars, and the long-term evolution of accretion disks.

At the time of the award, he had published…

CITA in the Banff Centre ART + IDEAS SPOTLIGHT

BIG BANG!  THE INTERSECTION OF CREATIVITY & SCIENCECITA Professor Dick Bond shares the stage at the Banff Centre with mathematician Ivar Ekeland and moderator Ian Brown to talk about the creativity at the heart of mathematics and cosmology.

Banff Centre Art & Ideas Spotlight, Saturday July 20,…

Prof. Pen and team Pioneer Project to Image Pulsars with Unprecedented Resolution

 Pen and his team – including CITA post-doc Richard Shaw, U of T summer students Anita Bahmanyar, Natalie Price-Jones and Philip Isaac, Dunlap Institute Professor Keith Vanderlinde, and DAA Professor Marten van Kerwijk on the most recent observing run – is employing the Algonquin Radio Observatory, a 46-metre radio antenna built deep in Algonquin Park beginning in 1959, and a technique the ARO…

Professor Pen’s Pioneering Observation Project in the Globe & Mail

Professor Ue-Li Pen has drawn together a team of professors, post-docs and undergraduate students from CITA, the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics and the Dunlap Institute in collaboration with radio astronomers in India and the Netherlands for a pioneering experiment to use the Interstellar medium to image pulsars with unprecedented accuracy.

Pen and his team – including CITA post-doc…

CITA at TEDxUofT: “From Cosmic Simplicity to Universal Complexity, and Beyond”

Dick Bond, CITA Professor & Director of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) Cosmology & Gravity Program gives a TEDxUofT talk on Cosmology and his work to understand “the information that was carried to us by the first light that was released by the Universe.”

TEDx offers individuals or groups a way to host local, self-organized events around the world. TED is a…

Origins of Massive Young Stars orbiting the Supermassive Black Hole at the Centre of the Milky Way

Stars tightly packed at the centre of our Milky Way galaxy Credit: VLT,-ESO

Canadian Astronomical Society Annual Meeting May 28-30, Vancouver, BC Fabio Antonini of the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics and David Merritt of the Rochester Institute of Technology have developed a new theory that explains the orbits of the massive young stars that closely orbit the black hole at the centre of the Milky Way.

The discovery of these stars called “S-stars”…

The 2013 Welsh Lectures for Distinction in Physics Celebrate the Planck Collaboration with Dr. Jean-Loup Puget

Dr. Jean-Loup Puget, Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale, Université Paris Sud will speak on the topic, ” How can we observe the very early universe? The Planck space mission does it.”Location: MacLeod Auditorium, Medical Sciences Building, 1 King’s College Circle

Date & Time: Friday May 3, 1:30 PM

The Welsh Lectures have been held annually since 1975 in honour of H.L. Welsh, a…

CITA-led Team Announces a New Resource for Gravity Wave Detection, a Comprehensive Catalogue of Binary Black Hole Simulations

A catalog of 171 high-quality binary black-hole simulations for gravitational-wave astronomy
CITA post-doctoral fellow Abdul Mroue leads a team of numerical relativists that includes CITA Professor Harald P. Pfeiffer, post-doctoral fellow Tony Chu, and graduate student Sergeii Ossokine and 14 collaborators from the California Institute of Technology, Cornell University, California Stat…

How to Build a Really Big Star


Dr. Alana Rivera-Ingraham explains how massive stars form in a study published in April’s issue of The Astrophysical Journal. “This observation may lift the veil on the formation of the most massive stars which remains, so far, poorly understood,” says Rivera-Ingraham, who led the study while she was a graduate student at U of T under Peter Martin at CITA. Rivera-Ingraham is now a…

CITA – Planck coverage in the Canadian Media

The Planck cosmology results were covered by all major news outlets in Canada. Links to the coverage can be found here:
The Globe and Mail, March 21, 2013

G&M – the CMB: before and after Planck

 The Toronto Star, March 21, 2013

CBC Radio, Quirks & Quarks podcast – Dick Bond on the Planck Cosmology…

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