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Annual Archives


McMaster And CITA astronomers use James Webb Space Telescope to probe cosmic history

Recent deep imaging data from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) shows a spectacular panoramic view of the Pandora Cluster, a remote, giant cluster of galaxies located 3.5 billion years ago. Marta Reina-Campos, who did this work while a CITA National Fellow based at McMaster, and William Harris, a McMaster emeritus professor, combined forces to analyse the exceptionally deep space images…

CITA celebrates the election of five CITAzens as Fellows of the American Physical Society


The APS Fellowship Program was created to recognize members of the American Physical Society who have made advances in physics through original research and publication, made significant innovative contributions in the application of physics to science and technology or have made significant contributions to the teaching of physics.



Congratulations to this year’s APS…

CITA Professor J. Richard Bond receives three prestigious honours from the international physics community

 In October, 2023 CITA’s Professor J. Richard Bond received two prestigious honours from the Canadian and American physics communities.

The Canadian Association of Physicists has named Bond a CAP Fellow “in recognition of his broad, stellar research contributions in the field of cosmology and astrophysics”. The CAP Fellows Program recognizes CAP members who have made significant…

Job App Hackathon 2023

This event is an opportunity to prepare job application materials and get feedback from peers and mentors, including several CITA faculty. We will overcome the “tyranny of the blank page” together!
The will be a special guest seminar by Prof Ayelet Fishbach (Univ. of Chicago) on “Lessons from the Science of Motivation”.
Coffee/tea, snacks, and lunch will be provided.
This event is…

Prof Norman Murray sheds light on why the day is 24 hrs long

Stock image of the sun over planet earth.

Read the full A&S News Article by Chris Sasaki here, excerpt below
A team of astrophysicists, including CITA Prof Norman Murray, has revealed how the slow and steady lengthening of Earth’s day caused by the tidal pull of the moon was halted for over a billion years.

They show that from approximately two billion years ago until 600 million years ago, an atmospheric tide driven by t…

CITA Welcomes Six Fellows to 2023 Cohort

CITA extends a warm welcome to our incoming Fellows and National Fellows. In September, we will be joined by four Fellows at our flagship at the University of Toronto and two national fellows at the University of Waterloo and the University of Manitoba. We are committed to providing post-doctoral training for early career researchers in the field of Theoretical Astrophysics and are excited about…

CITA Faculty and Fellow Part of LVK’s Newest Observation Run

Today the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA (LVK) Collaboration begins a new observing run with upgraded instruments, new and even more accurate signal models, and more advanced data analysis methods.

This observing run, known as O4, promises to take gravitational-wave astronomy to the next level. O4 will begin on May 24th and last 20 months, including up to two months of commissioning breaks. It will be t…

CITA Flagship Welcomes Back CITA + PI Day

CITA and Perimeter Institute gathered for CITA + PI Day on Friday May 19, 2023. These gatherings aim to foster interaction, collaboration, and sharing of new ideas in our common fields of interest through a series of informal talks followed by discussion.

CITA + PI Days are 1-day workshops that bring together students, postdocs, and faculty from CITA, the Perimeter Institute, and other…

Dr. Sara Seager visiting CITA next month

Join Dr. Sara Seager for breakfast in MP125 on June 16, 2023 at 9am.

CITA and the Dunlap Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics are excited to be welcoming Dr. Sara Seager to campus on June 15th and 16th to accept an honorary doctorate and meet with our students. Dr. Seager is an expert in the field of exoplanets. She completed her undergraduate studies in Mathematics and Physics at UofT before pursing graduate work at Harvard. Dr. Seager is currently a…

CITA featured in the Globe and Mail on new School of Cosmic Future

Juna Kollmeier

Science reporter for the Globe and Mail, Ivan Seminiuk, met with Juna Kollmeier, CITA Director, last week to discuss her initiative to tackle global issues and ambitions for the School of Cosmic Future.

Read the full artic…

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