Katie’s research combines simulations of binary populations with both gravitational-wave and electromagnetic observations to understand how binary stars evolve throughout their lives. While gravitational waves are excellent probes of compact object populations which represent the end states of binary evolution, observations with telescopes like Gaia can help to pin down critical phases in a binary star’s life. By combining multiple types of observations with predictions from theoretical calculations of how different binary evolution model impact the observable population at each stage, a self consistent picture from start to finish can come into focus. Katie’s day to day work is centered on developing binary population synthesis simulations which are publicly available for use in the astronomical community. These simulations are used to predict the full evolution of binary stars, from birth to death, using state of the art models that describe how binary interactions impact the evolution of each star. Katie has been a CITA Fellow since Fall 2018. Before coming to CITA, Katie received her PhD in Physics & Astronomy from Northwestern University.