Abstract: Maturing Pulsar Timing Arrays are expected to inaugurate the era of nano-hertz GW astronomy in the coming days under the auspices of International Pulsar Timing Array. Implications of ongoing IPTA efforts for astrophysics and cosmology will be discussed while focusing on Indian PTA contributions. Ongoing IPTA efforts should lead to persistent multi-messenger GW astronomy with massive BH binaries, especially during the Square Kilometre Array /DSA 2000 era and its implications will be discussed.
Nano-Hz Gravitational Wave Astronomy, Implications and Promises
Achamveedu Gopakumar (Tate Institute of Fundamental Research) // November 4, 2024
Abstract: Maturing Pulsar Timing Arrays are expected to inaugurate the era of nano-hertz GW astronomy in the coming days under the auspices of International Pulsar Timing Array. Implications of ongoing IPTA efforts for astrophysics and cosmology will be discussed while focusing on Indian PTA contributions. Ongoing IPTA efforts should lead to persistent multi-messenger GW astronomy with massive BH binaries, especially during the Square Kilometre Array /DSA 2000 era and its implications will be discussed.