

Features in the power spectrum
Code (email) I wrote to search for highly oscillating features in the CMB power spectra. The first part is a modified version of CAMB (July 2015) to generate the oscillating templates. The second code is a modification to Cosmomc + Multinest Dec 2013 version to search for these oscillations. Fo rapid convergence one should fix the foregrounds or at very least put stringent priors.

21 cm power spectrum from the Dark Ages
This code computes the 21-cm power spectrum from the dark ages with relative bulk flows between baryons and cold dark matter. It currently is accurate up to redshift 30. Additional effects include dark matter annihilation (can turn on and off) and blue tilt primordial power spectra from gauge particle production during inflation. Needs CAMB sources.

Dark matter annihilation/fine structure constant/m_e
Wrapper for Hyrec to use Hyrec with CAMB. This version of Hyrec allows for DM annihilation/fine structure constant and m_e to be varied. Added option to print values of params in Hyrec. Works also with current version of Hyrec (Yacine Ali-Haïmoud). Wrapper for pycamb included as well as new makefile for CAMB to make lib location independent. Read me included.

Exact bispectrum calculation in multipole space
Modification of CAMB to compute any CMB bispectrum (un-factorized) using the technique proposed by James Fergusson and Paul Shellard (email).

BTT, BEE, BTE bispectra (Cflat)
Code to compute the flat sky bispectrum and the S/N of any primordial bispectrum containing one tensor and two scalars. Used for this publication.

Simple code to compute overlap of primordial bispectra in 3D

Fisher Bispectra
Modification of SeperableBispectrum.F90 from CAMB to produce equilateral, orthogonal and folded bispectra and compute their Fisher information (as a function of lmax)

21-cm Noise estimates
Code generates noise curves for 21-cm intensity mapping experiment (e.g. CHIME). Can alter settings to change specifics of the instrument. Output will be P_noise(k). However, it will also print out the visibility function.

Features in the power spectrum 2
Python code that will run a full Fisher matrix for certain feature models (most notably the models discussed in the Planck inflation paper). Has modified pycamb wrapper to account for features and modified adaptive CAMB code to efficiently compute the power spectra. Output is several plots of the marginalized error versus the error assuming no degeneracies as a function of the frequency of the feature.


21 cm power spectrum
Code to compute the 21 cm power spectrum in flat and full sky (requires some files).

Relative velocity
Code to compute relative velocity effects on CDM and baryons.