Program (updated March 12)
Invited Review speaker = 40 minutes for the talk + 10 minutes for the questions
Invited speaker = 25 minutes for the talk + 5 minutes for the questions
Contributed talk = 17 minutes for the talk + 3 minutes for the questions
MONDAY - Observations  (chair: B. M└nard)
9h 9h30 Yi-.Ping. Li, Xiao-yu Hong, Chenggang Shu, : WELCOME and GENERAL INFORMATION
9h30 10h20 Todd Tripp Absorber-galaxy connection - Review
10h20 10h50 John Stocke (Brian Keeney) Absorber-galaxy relationships at the lowest redshifts
10h50 11h10 Coffee break
11h10 11h30 Hsiao-Wen Chen Unmasking DLA absorption galaxies at z<1
11h30 12h Christopher Churchill MgII absorption through galaxies at intermediate redshifts
12h 12h20 Bastien Aracil The nature of the O VI absorbers at low z: their connection with galaxies
Observations (chair: J. Prochaska)
14h 14h50 Sandhya Rao Identification of DLAs - Review
14h50 15h10 Martin Zwaan Reconciling the local galaxy population with DLA cross-sections and metal abundances
15h10 15h30 Nissim Kanekar HI 21cm absorption studies of DLAs
15h30 16h Coffee break
16h 16h30 Patrick Petitjean Sizes of absorption line systems
16h30 16h50 Paul Vreeswijk DLAs in GRB afterglows
16h50 17h10 Jessica Rosenberg A study of a nearby DLA and its environment
Posters & Drinks
TUESDAY - Models & Observations (chair: J. Bergeron)
9h 9h30 Houjun Mo Cold gas in dark matter halos and its implication for galaxy formation
9h30 9h50 Glen Kacprzak Galaxy-halo gas kinematic connection, 0.3<z<1
9h50 10h10 Jinliang Hou Star formation and chemical evolution of DLAs with semi-analytic models
10h10 10h40 Coffee break
10h40 11h10 Arthur Wolfe Implications of [C II] 158 micron emission from DLAs
11h10 11h30 Weipeng Lin Models of Lyman-alpha absorbers
11h30 11h50 Ratnatunga Srianand Molecular hydrogen in high-z DLAs: physical conditions in proto-galaxies
Models & Observations (chair: C. Shu)
14h 14h20 Daniel Nestor The physical nature of metal-line absorbing clouds
14h20 14h40 Brice Menard The nature and size of MgII absorber systems with the SDSS
14h40 15h10 Donald York The SDSS QSO absorption line catalogue
15h10 15h40 Coffee break
15h40 16h Lise Christensen A survey for DLA galaxies with integral field spectroscopy
16h 16h20 David Turnshek Neutral column density, Kinematic spread and metallicity correlations in low-ionisation absorbers
16h20 16h50 Sara Ellison Absorber systems in radio-selected quasar surveys
19h Conference Dinner (at the Olympic Hotel, from 19h)
WEDNESDAY - Simulations (chair: Houjun Mo)
9h 9h50 Tom Theuns Absorber systems and simulations  - Review
9h50 10h20 Yipeng Jing Semi-analytical model of galaxy formation based on high-resolution N-body simulations
10h20 10h40 Serena Bertone The effects of galactic winds on the IGM in semi-analytic simulations
10h40 11h10 Coffee break
11h10 11h30 Matteo Viel The Lyman-alpha forest as a physical probe
11h30 11h50 Alistair Nelson DLAs in simulated galaxies and dust obscuration
11h50 12h10 James Bolton Constraints on the metagalactic hydrogen ionization rate from the Lyman-alpha forest opacity
12h20 Group photograph
Trip to Shanghai Museum (the bus leaves from the observatory at 2pm)
THURSDAY - Abundances and IGM (chair: J. Hou)
9h 9h50 Jason Prochaska DLA abundances  - Review
9h50 10h10 Tae-Sun Kim The metallicity of the high column density Lyman-alpha forest at 2<z<3.5
10h10 10h30 Sebastien Muller Probing isotopic ratios at z=0.89
10h30 11h Coffee break
11h 11h20 Miroslava Dessauges Revealing the star formation history of DLAs through the chemical evolution model comparison
11h20 11h40 Regina Schulte-Ladbeck Chemical abundances in star-forming galaxies and DLAs
11h40 12h Varsha Kulkarni (Donald York) The evolution of DLAs: element abundances and star formation rates
Abundances and IGM (chair: C. Churchill)
14h 14h50 Jacqueline Bergeron Highly ionized absorbers at high redshift  - Review
14h50 15h10 Michael Rauch The environmental impact of galaxies on the IGM
15h10 15h30 Anthony Aguirre Confronting simulations with observations of intergalactic metallicities
15h30 16h Coffee break
16h 16h20 Ariyeh Maller QSO absorption systems and the multi-phase gas that fuels galaxy formation
16h20 16h40 Giovanni Vladilo The dust obscuration bias in DLAs
16h40 17h Michael Murphy How dusty are DLAs ?
17h 17h20 Junfeng Wang Detection of the 2175 Angstrom dust feature at high z from the SDSS
FRIDAY - High redshift (chair: D. York)
9h 9h30 Kurt Adelberger The connection between star forming galaxies and absorbers at high z
9h30 9h50 Andrea Ferrara Cosmic Dawn and IGM reionization
9h50 10h10 Nicolas Lehner Distribution and baryon content of HI absorbers at z<0.5
10h10 10h40 Coffee break
10h40 11h Martin Haehnelt Fluorescent Lyman-alpha emission from Lyman limit systems
11h 11h20 Celine Peroux Total neutral gas mass, Omega HI, at z>2
11h20 11h40 Xiao Yang Xia Infrared QSOs at low and high redshifts
11h40 12h Esther Hu Spectroscopic studies of high-z galaxies: implications for reionization
High redshift  (chair: Y. Jing)
14h 14h30 Xiaohui Fan Probing reionisation with high redshift quasars
14h30 14h50 Xiang Ping Wu The 21cm array: a search for the first lights in the Universe
14h50 15h20 Steven Furlanetto QSO absorption lines at high-z: through a glass darkly
15h20 15h50 Coffee break
15h50 16h10 Ilian Iliev Small-scale structure at high z: formation, observability and effects on the progress of reionization
16h10 16h30 George Becker The very high redshift Lyman-alpha forest at high resolution
16h30 17h30 Simon White Conclusion and discussion