Welcome to my web page. I am a Postdoctoral Fellow working at the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA), University of Toronto. I received my D.Phil. in Theoretical Physics from the University of Oxford in 2022 with a thesis titled "Probing dark matter with resonant dynamics of the Galactic bar" supervised by Prof. Ralph Schönrich. I am originally from Japan where I earned my Bachelor's (2016) and Master's (2018) at the Tokyo Institute of Technology.

I am interested in the fundamental dynamics of self-gravitating systems, in particular, galaxies. My research focuses on the dynamical processes that drive the evolution of galaxies, including dynamical friction, orbital diffusion, Landau damping, phase mixing and collisionless echoes. The major goals of my research are to unravel the structure and evolutionary history of our Galaxy as well as to constrain the nature and phase-space distribution of dark matter. The main tools I employ are perturbation theory, kinetic theory, and N-body simulations.