Dmitri Pogosyan

Curriculum vitae

CITA, University of Toronto e-mail:
60, St.George Street tel.: 1-416-978-8801
Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1A7 fax.: 1-416-978-3921
Research interests:
Theoretical cosmology: Inflation, initial cosmological perturbations, origin and evolution of the Large-Scale Structure in the Universe, numerical modelling of the Large-Scale Structure, Cosmic Microwave Background, tests for cosmological theories
Tartu University 1985 in theoretical physics (with honours)
PhD: 1990, Tartu Institute of Physics, USSR Acad. Sci.
Title: "Origin of the Structure in the Universe"
Advisor: Prof. L.Kofman
Research Experience:
1996 senior research associate Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics
1994 - 1996 postdoctoral fellow Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics
1993, Sept-Dec research associate Institute d'Astrophysique de Paris
1993, Feb-Aug research associate Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge, UK
1992 Royal Society Fellow Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge, UK
1990 - 1992 research associate Tartu Astrophysical Observatory
1985 - 1990 fellow Tartu Astrophysical Observatory
Teaching Experience:
Fall 1996 graduate level minicourse (1/3 credit)
"Cosmological Perturbations from Inflation"
University of Toronto
Spring 1998
graduate level minicourse (1/3 credit)
"Random Fields in Cosmology"
University of Toronto
Academic Awards:
1992 Royal Society Fellowship
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Refereed papers:

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Preprints and conference proceedings:
(not superceded by refereed papers)

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