Using Makefiles to Compile Your Application

To specify a number of files with various paths and to save this information for multiple compilations, you can use a makefile.

On Linux and Mac OS systems:

To use a makefile to compile your input files, make sure that /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin are in your path.

If you use the C shell, you can edit your .cshrc file and add the following:

setenv PATH  /usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:yourpath

Then you can compile as:

make -f yourmakefile

where -f is the make command option to specify a particular makefile.

On Windows systems:

To use a makefile to compile your input files, use the nmake command. For example, if your project is your_project.mak:

nmake /f your_project.mak FPP=ifort.exe LINK32=xilink.exe

The arguments of this nmake command are as follows:


A particular makefile.


A makefile you want to use to generate object and executable files.


The compiler-invoking command you want to use. The name of this macro might be different for your makefile. This command invokes the preprocessor.


The linker you want to use.

The nmake command creates object files (.obj) and executable files (.exe) specified in your_project.mak file.
