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French Tutorial

  • Alphabet [mp3] (a-z 26 letters. )
  • Basic Pronouciations
    • Most of the time, do not pronounce final d, s, t or x in French words.
    • "ai"[mp3] (un balai: a broom; une caisse: a cash register; une maison: a house; une naissance: a birth. )
    • "ain"[mp3] (un copain: a friend; demain: tomorrow; un pain: a bread; un train: a train. )
    • "an"[mp3] (un croissant: a croissant; un enfant: a child; la gagnant: the winter; un tambour: a drum. )
    • "é"[mp3] (aimer: to love; l'éducation: the education; Hervé Foucher: my name; révéler: to reveal.
      Note: "-er" at the end of a word is pronounced the same way as "é")
    • "ein"[mp3] (la ceinture: the belt; un frein: a break; la peinture: the paint; plein: full. )
    • "en"[mp3] (un camembert: a French cheese; comprendre: to understand; encore: again; les parents: the parents.
      Note: "en" before "p", "b" are mostly written as "em")
    • "eu"[mp3] (un auto-stoppeur: a hitchhiker; une fleur: a flower; l'heure: the time; la peur: the fear. )
    • "in"[mp3] (un magasin: a shop; malin: clever; un timbre: a stamp; Tintin: Tintin.
      Note: "in" before "p", "b" are mostly written as "im")
    • "oi"[mp3] (cioire: to believe; une fois: once; un poisson: a fish; un toit: a roof. )
    • "oin"[mp3] (loin: far away; moin: minus; un point: a point; un soin: a care. )
    • "on"[mp3] (un combat: a fight; comprendre: to understand; un garçon: a boy; une maison: a house.
      Note: "on" before "p", "b" are mostly written as "om")
    • "ou"[mp3] (mourir: to die; un mouvement: a movement; la tour Eiffel: the Eiffel tower; vous: you. )