PHY2401S (2010/11) home page
Mon+Fri, 10-11am, MP1318A

BBH simulation Planck CMB map
Binary Black Hole calculation; Planck all sky map

Ue-Li Pen, CITA, MP1317
Herald Pfeiffer, CITA, MP1309
Adrienne Erickcek, CITA, MP1401

Handout with general info. NOTE: All further course communication will be handled via Blackboard!

Prerequisites: General Relativity PHY 1483F or equivalent.
This course will present an introduction to modern issues in cosmology and relativistic astrophysics. Dynamics of inflation, origin of perturbations, cosmic microwave background and fluctuations, structure formation, precision cosmology, dark energy, astrophysical black holes, relativistic objects.

Location: Mon+Fri, 10-11am, MP1318A