New Options

This topic lists the options that provide new functionality in this release.

Some compiler options are only available on certain systems, as indicated by these labels:

Label Meaning
i32 The option is available on systems using IA-32 architecture.
i64em The option is available on systems using IntelŪ 64 architecture.
i64 The option is available on systems using IA-64 architecture.

If no label appears, the option is available on all supported systems.

If "only" appears in the label, the option is only available on the identified system.

For more details on the options, refer to the Alphabetical Compiler Options section.

For information on conventions used in this table, see Notation Conventions.

New compiler options are listed in three tables below:

Windows* Options Description Default
/check:[no]pointers Determines whether checking occurs for certain disassociated or uninitialized pointers or unallocated allocatable objects. /check:nopointers
/heap-arrays[:size] Puts automatic arrays and arrays created for temporary computations on the heap instead of the stack. OFF
/help [category] Displays all available compiler options or a category of compiler options. OFF
/Qdiag-type:diag-list Controls the display of diagnostic information. OFF
/Qdiag-dump Tells the compiler to print all enabled diagnostic messages and stop compilation. OFF
/Qdiag-enable:sv-include Tells the Static Verifier to analyze include files and source files when issuing diagnostic message. OFF
/Qdiag-file[:file] Causes the results of diagnostic analysis to be output to a file. OFF
/Qdiag-id-numbers[-] Tells the compiler to display diagnostic messages by using their ID number values. ON
/Qfp-speculation=mode Tells the compiler the mode in which to speculate on floating-point operations. /Qfp-speculation=fast
/Qinline-dllimport[-] Determines whether dllimport functions are inlined. /Qinline-dllimport
/Qinstrument-functions[-] Determines whether function entry and exit points are instrumented. /Qinstrument-functions-
/Qipo-jobs:n Specifies the number of commands to be executed simultaneously during the link phase of Interprocedural Optimization (IPO). /Qipo-jobs:1
/Qkeep-static-consts[-] Tells the compiler to preserve allocation of variables that are not referenced in the source. /Qkeep-static-consts-
(i32, i64em)
Enables generation of streaming stores for optimization. /Qopt-streaming-stores:auto
/Qpar-schedule-keyword[[:]n] Specifies a scheduling algorithm for DO loop iterations. OFF
/Qsave-temps[-] Tells the compiler to save intermediate files created during compilation. .obj files are saved
/Qtcheck[:mode] Indicates the method of analysis to be performed for OpenMP threaded applications. OFF
/Qtcollect Inserts instrumentation probes calling the IntelŪ Trace Collector API. OFF
(i32, i64em)
Generates SSE3, SSE2, and SSE instructions and optimizes for IntelŪ Core™ 2 Duo processor family. OFF
/stand:f03 or /std03 Causes the compiler to issue messages for language elements that are not standard in Fortran 2003. /nostand


Linux* and Mac OS* Options Description Default
-check [no]pointers Determines whether checking occurs for certain disassociated or uninitialized pointers or unallocated allocatable objects. -check nopointers
-cxxlib-nostd Prevents the compiler from linking with the standard C++ library. OFF
-diag-type diag-list Controls the display of diagnostic information. OFF
-diag-dump Tells the compiler to print all enabled diagnostic messages and stop compilation. OFF
-diag-enable sv-include Tells the Static Verifier to analyze include files and source files when issuing diagnostic message. OFF
-diag-file[=file] Causes the results of diagnostic analysis to be output to a file. OFF
-[no-]diag-id-numbers Tells the compiler to display diagnostic messages by using their ID number values. ON
-f[no-]instrument-functions Determines whether function entry and exit points are instrumented. -fno-instrument-functions
-f[no-]keep-static-consts Tells the compiler to preserve allocation of variables that are not referenced in the source. -fno-keep-static-consts
-fp-speculation=mode Tells the compiler the mode in which to speculate on floating-point operations. -fp-speculation=fast
(i32, i64em; Linux only)
Enables or disables function grouping if profiling information is enabled. -no-func-groups
-heap-arrays [size] Puts automatic arrays and arrays created for temporary computations on the heap instead of the stack. OFF
-help [category] Displays all available compiler options or a category of compiler options. OFF
-ipo-jobsn Specifies the number of commands to be executed simultaneously during the link phase of Interprocedural Optimization (IPO). -ipo-jobs1
(i32, i64em; Mac OS only)
Tells the compiler to generate code for IA-32 architecture. OFF
(i32, i64em; Mac OS only)
Tells the compiler to generate code for IntelŪ 64 architecture. OFF
(i32, i64em)
Tells the compiler to generate code for a specified CPU. OFF
(i32, i64em)
Tells the compiler to generate code for certain IntelŪ PentiumŪ processors. OFF
(i32, i64em)
Enables generation of streaming stores for optimization. -opt-streaming-stores auto
-par-schedule-keyword[=n] Specifies a scheduling algorithm for DO loop iterations. OFF
-[no-]save-temps Tells the compiler to save intermediate files created during compilation. -no-save-temps
-shared-intel Causes Intel-provided libraries to be linked in dynamically. OFF

(Linux only)

Links the GNU libgcc library dynamically. OFF
-stand f03 or -std03 Causes the compiler to issue messages for language elements that are not standard in Fortran 2003. -nostand
-static-intel Causes Intel-provided libraries to be linked in statically. OFF

(Linux only)

Links the GNU libgcc library statically. OFF
-tcheck [mode] Indicates the method of analysis to be performed for OpenMP threaded applications. OFF
(Linux only)
Inserts instrumentation probes calling the IntelŪ Trace Collector API. OFF
(i32, i64em)
Generates SSE3, SSE2, and SSE instructions and optimizes for IntelŪ Core™ 2 Duo processor family. OFF