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Hugh Merz

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As of Aug. 2007 I am no longer a resident citazen, having joined SHARCNET.
I use to be the Scientific Parallel Programmer at CITA.

My current webpage, including contact information.

 Research Interests

Large N-Body simulations

CubePM - the successor to PMFAST, is a cubical decomposition 2-Level Particle-Mesh N-Body code. It has scaled up to 4096 processors on Blue Gene and 2048 cores on the TACC Sun Constellation Linux Cluster, with a current record of N = 2.9e+10. CubePM also contains lightly-tested TVD MHD and P3M functionality, a spherical overdensity halo-finder, and a parallel cosmological initial condition generator. Code downloads and documentation via the CubePM Repository.

massive halo 3.5Mpc cosmic dark matter filaments

Cluster Installation :: April 2007

I helped install the new CITA beowulf cluster, dubbed Sunnyvale. The cluster consists of 5-racks of 200 1-U Dell PowerEdge 1950 servers, for a total of 800GB of RAM and 1600 Intel Xeon E5310 cores. The cluster is diskless, a first at CITA. We used CentOS 4.4 as the base GNU/Linux operating system, then installed OSCAR 5.0 for the initial parallel administration and user-level software and finally made it an NFSroot r/o filesystem using OneSIS.


 Other Documents and Publications