================================= README.TXT ================================== ARTICLE INFORMATION Journal: J. Chem. Phys. Authors: A. I. Boothroyd, P. G. Martin, M. J. Peterson Title: An accurate analytic He-H2 potential energy surface from a greatly expanded set of ab initio energies Year: 2003 DEPOSIT INFORMATION Description: total of 8 files (total size 9.3 Mb), containing: This README file; Fortran program of the BMP He-H2 surface of the above paper; All He-H2 energies used in fitting the BMP He-H2 surface; All ab initio He-H2 energies of the above authors, including excited states. FILENAMES, (SIZES), FILETYPES, AND DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS 1. README.TXT (3.4 kb) plain text ASCII: This README file. 2. heh2bmp.f (0.11 Mb) plain text ASCII Fortran program: The BMP He-H2 potential energy surface Fortran routines. Comments at the beginning of this file describe the surface and how to use it. 3. heh2bmp_test.f (0.18 Mb) plain text ASCII Fortran program: Test program, to check that the above BMP He-H2 surface Fortran routines are working correctly on your computer. Comments at the beginning of this file describe how to use it. 4. heh2bmp_test.out (1.5 kb) plain text ASCII file showing typical output of the above test program. 5. heh2prog.tar.gz (66 kb) gzip-compressed tar-file: Compressed tar archive (0.31 Mb when uncompressed) containing the three BMP He-H2 surface files (2 through 4 above) in a single package. 6. heh2ptsREADME.txt (17 kb) plain text ASCII: The README file describing the two archives of He-H2 energies (files 7 and 8 below). 7. ciheh2usen.tar.gz (1.0 Mb): gzip-compressed tar-file archive containing 13 files of He-H2 ground state energies and readme file 6 above (total uncompressed size 4.0 Mb): all He-H2 ground state energies used in the BMP He-H2 surface fit. 8. ciheh2ean.tar.gz (7.9 Mb): gzip-compressed tar-file archive containing 12 files of complete He-H2 energy sets and readme file 6 above (total uncompressed size 38.2 Mb): all our own He-H2 ab initio energies (including ground state and lowest 4 excited states). SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS To extract files from a gzip-compressed tar-file archive generally requires the 'gzip' utility to decompress the archive, and the 'tar' utility to extract the files. For example, on a Unix or Linux system, to extract all the files from an archive called ARCHIVENAME.tar.gz and delete it: gunzip -v ARCHIVENAME.tar.gz tar xvf ARCHIVENAME.tar rm ARCHIVENAME.tar Note that some versions of 'tar' can extract files directly from a compressed tar-file archive, and some compression utilities other than 'gzip' may also be capable of decompressing the archive. CONTACT INFORMATION Prof. Peter G. Martin CITA, University of Toronto 60 St. George Street Toronto, Ontario CANADA M5S 3H8 email: pgmartin@cita.utoronto.ca tel.: (416) 978-6840 or (416) 978-6879 fax: (416) 978-3921 ===============================================================================